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I yawn. Thor's brother, who I learned is named Loki, left this morning after I wiped his memory of where we met up and my appearance. I bury my head into the pillow and close my eyes. I'm so ready for sleep.

"Why isn't her power working?!" The man shouts at my papa.

"I don't know. She completed the transformation. There must be a reason why it isn't working the way I made it," my papa says.

"She's beautiful and we can't figure out why her abilities aren't working?!"

I look down at the floor. My hair changes to blonde and my eyes shift to a bright blue. Freckles pop up across my cheeks. The man grabs my face and his eyes widen. He kisses me and I cringe away from him.

"Stop it!" I shout at him. He stops short.

"That's it. Skin on skin contact. The more contact, the more control she has," my papa states. I grimace as I realize what that means.

I rub my face. Stupid nightmares interrupting what should have been a peaceful sleep. I get dressed and change myself to look like Maggy. I check out of the hotel and catch a cab back to my penthouse.

I walk into the penthouse and groan when I see Pierce is sitting on my couch. I set my heels in their spot by the door and glare at Pierce.

"You're on my couch because?" I ask in a snarky tone. He rolls his eyes and gets up.

"Status report," he says harshly.

"Both Gods and the Winter Soldier are already mine and I'm close to getting the soldier. Stark will be easy," I cross my arms.

"Good, get on it Y/N. I'm tired of waiting," he says harshly. He leaves my penthouse and I flop down on my couch. I pull out my phone and text Steve the address to a different hotel from the ones I've been using. He sends me back a smiley face.

I walk over into my bathroom and take a shower. I look in the mirror when I get out. My natural curls hang around my face and my eyes are bright. My father did one thing right when he tortured me throughout my teenage years. He made me hot. I can at least thank him for that.

I lay my hands on the counter. My hair shortens and darkens into curls around my face and my eyes change into a dark brown. I take a deep breath and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I grab some clothes and change before going to the new hotel. I hate the people I work for, but at least they pay well.

"Checking in for Maggy Albertson," I say sweetly.

"Of course ma'am. Just a moment," the attendant says.

They hand me a room key after I pay them and I walk upstairs. I set some clothes in the closet to make it look nicer and call down for room service. I text Steve with my room number and slip my heels off. I straighten out my dress and look at the door when someone knocks.

"Room service," the voice calls out. I smile and walk over to the door. The man walks into the room and sets up the plates and champagne on the table for me. I tip him and as he's leaving Steve walks up. I smile.

"Just in time, dinner was just brought up," I say. He walks into the room and closes the door behind him. He kisses me softly before we sit down and eat.

"How was work today?" I ask him, making conversation as we eat.

"It's been frustrating," he admits.

"How come?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"We're looking for someone who can change their appearance. We haven't had any hits on them yet and we're all getting frustrated," he sighs. My heart stops. They're looking for me? Why?

"What did they do?"

"I can't really get into it Maggy, but they're not a good person," he states. Ouch.

"Well, let's use tonight as a distraction," I smile. He nods and we talk about different movies over dinner.

"You haven't seen the Princess Bride?" I ask appalled. He laughs and shakes his head.

"That's what we're watching tonight then. You have no choice," I smile.

"Deal," he chuckles. After dinner, we curl up on the couch and I rent The Princess Bride. I lean into him, enjoying the movie. I rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me and I intertwine my fingers with his.

"As you wish," I whisper with the movie. I hear him chuckle softly. I start to tear up as I watch. He softly touches my face and tilts it up as we're watching.

He wipes away my stray tears and his fingers brush against my lips. I lean up and he kisses me. The kiss starts to pick up and I climb into his lap. My knees are on either side of his legs. He rests his hands on the back of my thighs.

I pull away and we're both breathing heavily. He lays me back on the couch and kisses me again deeply. My eyes flutter shut as I kiss him back. His hands run along the sides of my body and I let out a soft moan against his lips. He kisses down my neck and I gasp softly.

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