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I look up as James walks into the room. He drags a chair over and sits in front of me. He looks into my eyes, fearlessly. I'll give him credit, he's not a pussy.

"James," I smirk. He crosses his arm and clenches his jaw.

"Why did you let us capture you?" He asks. I glance at the camera. I know they're watching.

"If you want me to answer your questions, the camera needs to be off. Unless we're making an adult film, then the camera can stay on as long as you'd like," I smirk leaning forward with my elbows on my knees. He glares at me.

"Never in your wildest dreams," he states harshly.

"Well, let me give you a bit of information," I lick my lips. My eyes flicker purple as I put the memories of our night together back into his head. He looks confused.

"I don't understand," he says confused. I smirk and allow my hair color and eye color to change.

"Don't you remember me know James?" I ask seductively.

"Sylvie," he glares at me. I smirk and let myself change back to normal.

"I don't kiss and tell," I tease. He gets up and grabs me by my neck. He pulls me out of the chair. His grip on my neck tightens. I don't give him the satisfaction of fear from me.

"You won't hurt me," I state, not using my abilities.

"Do you want to bet your life on that?" He asks harshly. I smirk.

"I like being choked so do your worst," I tease. He tosses me across the room and my back hits the wall. I hit the floor and stand up angrily. My eyes flare purple and he starts to choke himself. Fear crosses his face. I smirk and let him stop.

"Don't test me James," I state harshly. He leaves the room.

~ Bucky ~
I walk into the viewing room. Everyone looks at me. I clench my jaw and sit down.

"I wasn't looking into her eyes the second time," I state. Everyone looks at each other.

"Why did you call her Sylvie?" Steve asks.

"Because that's who she was when I met her and when I slept with her," I cross my arms. Everyone looks at me shocked.

"You slept with her?" Tony asks. I nod. I glare at her on the screen. She blows a kiss at the camera. Bitch.

"Did she give you anything else when she gave you back those memories?" Natasha asks. I shake my head.

Y/N looks into the camera with her eyes a bright purple. Loki gets up and walks out of the room. We all watch as he walks into her cell.

~ Y/N ~
"Hello Loki," I smile, not looking at the door. He storms over and grabs me by my neck. I look at him as he pulls me close. I'm not controlling him...

"Hello Princess. Did you think I wouldn't remember who you actually are?" He asks bitterly. I lick my lips and smirk at him.

"I'm shocked you remembered on your own," I look into his eyes, "Tell me what you remember."

"I remember everything," he states harshly.

"And? That's all you have to say? Are you happy that you remember or does it make you hate yourself?" I ask. He dips his face close to mine. His lips brush against mine as he speaks.

"Why are you here?" He asks lowly.

"Why are you?" I retort, "Isn't there always a greater agenda Loki?"

"So you're here because you have some greater plan huh? Why don't you share that plan with me?" He whispers lowly in my ear, "Then I can get you out of here and worship your body all over again."

"While that does sound appealing, you don't have the information I need so you're useless to me currently," I smirk lowly.

"I will get whatever information you want," he whispers and presses a soft kiss against my neck. I laugh and push him off of me.

"If you think sex is the right way to get information out of me Loki, you are extremely mistaken," I smirk, "I'm not a ditsy girl who thinks sex will make all her problems go away. Besides, sex with you wasn't that good anyways."

He takes a sharp breath and a knife forms in his hand. I smirk and my eyes flicker purple. He drops the knife and walks out of the room. I smile and pick up the knife. I sit on the cot and play with the knife, curious who will come in next.

~ Natasha ~
"You slept with her too?" I ask Loki when he comes back into the room. He looks at Thor.

"What?" Thor asks confused.

"Ellie," Loki states. Thor pales and looks at the screen. Y/N changes into a girl with bright green eyes and light brown hair and waves at the camera with the knife in her hand.

"She's here to get information, but she won't tell me what kind," Loki says to the group. Everyone groans.

"Who hasn't slept with her?!" I exclaim. Everyone shrugs. Steve looks at the door.

"I haven't," Steve says confidently. He goes out the door.

~ Y/N ~
I smile when Steve walks into the room confidently. I laugh and shake my head. Boys ever so stupid. Steve holds out his hand. I put the knife in it.

"I'm surprised you don't want to keep it," Steve says. I shrug.

"It's not that nice anyways. My knives are better," I state.

"Is someone making you come here to get information?" Steve asks, pulling the chair up near my cot. I don't answer, trying not to let my body language give too much away.

"Who's making you do this Y/N? I don't think you're a bad girl, I think you're just involved with bad people," Steve says.

"What if I am bad? Hmm? What then?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Then we will help you," Steve says. I scoff. Sure they will.

"Nobody can help me Steve. The sooner you see that the better off you'll be. Leave me alone and don't come back. I'll only be a disappointment to you Mr. Perfect," I retaliate. Steve sighs and leaves the room. Leaving me to myself.

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