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I get into my penthouse and look over at Pierce. I asked him to meet me here on my way over. He stands as he looks me over.

"Status report?" He asks.

"Both Gods, The Winter Soldier, the soldier, and Stark," I smirk. He chuckles and rubs his hands together excitedly.

"What do you want me to do next?" I ask.

"Now you're going to get captured and find out what you can about their HYDRA files," he says.

"That's it? Then I'm done?" I ask.

"Then you're done."

I nod and he leaves the apartment. I take a shower and put on a pair of jeans and a tank top. I let my appearance change to me and smirk at myself in the mirror. I grab my phone and remove everything relating to Pierce in it.

I walk downstairs as I tuck my phone into my pocket. I make sure I let the camera capture my face as I get onto the street. I walk down the street in silence. Each camera captures my face. I smirk at one of them and keep walking.

I stop when Stark lands in front of me in the Iron Man suit. He holds up a hand at me and I roll my eyes. I smirk at him. His face plate lifts and he looks confused.

"You're not gonna fight me?" He asks in confusion.

"I know your games Stark. I know Romanoff is waiting around the corner for me to run and that Barton is on the roof watching me with an arrow docked. I can only imagine that Thor is on a roof watching as well. Banner I'm sure you left at the tower because you don't want to stress him out and you don't trust Loki enough to bring him on a mission. As for Rogers and the Winter Soldier," I turn around and look at them standing behind me, "Inseparable."

They both look at me with glares in their eyes. I smirk and hold out my hands.

"Be as rough as you want. I'm a big girl, I can handle it," I tease. They roll their eyes and Steve clasps handcuffs on my wrists.

"Hmm, handcuffs... kinky," I smirk. They glare at me. I shrug and Natasha comes out from around the corner.

"Barton you good?" Tony asks from behind me. I look up at him on the building to see him put the arrow back in the quiver. I look at the next building to see Thor standing there. I smirk.

"So predictable," I laugh.

"Banner, the quinjet," Steve says. The quinjet lands in the street.

"Okay, so I was wrong on one. I stand corrected," I shrug. They pull me into the quinjet. Banner looks at me nervously. I smirk at him.

They take me to the Avenger Tower. Loki is standing there waiting for us. As we walk towards him, my eyes flicker purple. He steps forward and grabs my arm. I smirk up at him.

"Loki, what are you doing? Let go of her," Steve says from behind me. I flicker my eyes purple and he shakes his head clear. He looks at my confused. He grabs my throat and I gasp softly.

"Loki! Let her go!" Stark shouts.

"How are you able to get into my head?" He asks bitterly. I smirk and glare at him. My eyes flicker purple as I stare into his eyes. He lets go of my neck and backs off of me.

Everyone stares at me. I flip my hair out of my face.

"So are we just going to stand around?" I ask. Steve grabs my arm and walks me to a cell with all glass windows. I sit down after he uncuffs my hands. He leaves the room and looks at me through the window. I'm curious.

My eyes flicker purple and he rests his hands on the glass. He looks like he's ready to break through the glass to get to me. I smirk and let go of my hold on him. He leaves me by myself. I look up at the camera in the room with a smile.

~ Natasha ~
"What was that Loki? Why did you grab her like that?" I ask with my arms crossed.

"She was using her magic on me. I don't know how though because I should be able to block her out. It's weird," he says.

"She didn't fight," James says in confusion.

"If she didn't want to be caught, she would've fought us," Steve agrees.

"Maybe she wanted to be caught," I suggest.

"Why would she want to be caught?" Tony asks.

"Maybe she knew she couldn't fight us all," Bruce says.

"No, she knew exactly where everyone was. She very well could have fought us off," Tony states.

"Why did she want to be caught?" I ask.

"Let's give her some time in there alone and then we can interrogate her," Tony says. We all nod in agreement.

~ Y/N ~
It's boring in the cell by myself. I look up at the camera, knowing they're watching me. They must be so confused. I smirk at the camera.

"I'm bored. Someone should come and play with me," I tease the camera. Movement outside the window catches my attention. I stand and walk over to the window with a smirk.

"You can't hide from me Romanoff. I figured they'd send you first," I smirk. She walks out of the shadows.

"I will say. You're prettier in person than they give you credit for," I state. She shakes her head.

"How do you control people?" She asks.

"Why don't you come in here and find out?"

"I think I'm more comfortable out here."

"Aww, scared of me Black Widow? You should be," I smirk. She opens the door to the cell and walks in. I look at her.

"You're brave. Not very many people would enter a cell with a girl who can make you do whatever I please," I tease.

"You can't hurt me," she states.

"I can actually. I'm just waiting for the right person to help me," I smirk.

"What does that mean?"

"It means your friends aren't as strong willed as you, Natasha. Just wait. You'll see what I mean," I let my eyes deliberately flicker purple to scare her.

"Hmm, so it's when people look into your eyes. That's easy enough. We just won't look you in the eyes," she smirks and walks out. She fell right into my trap.

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