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I can tell it's starting to get late because nobody is coming to try and get answers from me. Tony walks through the door with two glasses of whiskey. I smile and take one from him when he offers it.

"Finally someone knows how to liven up the party," I smile. My eyes flicker purple at the camera and I see the red light flick off. I smile at Tony as I take a sip.

"So Tony, let's get straight to the chase shall we?" I smirk.

"So I'm the one you wanted to talk to?" He asks.

"It is your tower and your AI is it not?" I state. He nods in agreement.

"Perfect," I finish the glass and my eyes flare purple, "You're going to go and pull all of the files The Avengers have on HYDRA for me and then you're going to let me leave."

"So that's what you're here for," Tony's voice changes. I look at him confused. Tony turns into Loki and I glare at him. I grab his arm and my eyes flare purple.

"Nah uh Princess, you're not allowed back in my mind," he chuckles, "However I am curious about what's in your mind."

He quickly throws his palm against my forehead.

I scream as the liquid courses through my veins. I grab my head as I scream. My head feels like it's going to explode. I try to reach down and rip out the IV, but I can't reach it with the restraints.

"Papa! Make it stop!" I scream in agony.


I stare in the mirror as I will my body to change. I make my body change colors and change shapes. I smile at my ability to do so. I let my body fall back to its normal state, feeling drained. I smile softly.

"Good job dear. You did good work today," my father says from behind me. I look at him in the mirror. My eyes flare a bright purple.

I can't control my rage. I turn around and grab both of his bare arms with my hands. My eyes are a wild purple. He looks afraid of me.

"It's time for you to regret everything you've done to me. After you think you can't regret it any longer remember you can't kill yourself because I'm telling you you can't end it. Get stuck in your head," I say bitterly.

His nods and his eyes fill with tears. I leave the room and go to bed.


"What a pretty face," Rumlow says as he grabs my chin. I say nothing as I glare at him.

"Leave the girl alone Rumlow, she's getting ready for her mission," Pierce says with a smirk.

"The mission my team has to go on with her. Why is that?" He asks.

"Because it's an undercover mission and I'm assassinating a prince," I state bitterly. He looks at me with a chuckle.

"She's a temperamental one isn't she?" Rumlow laughs.

"Suck my dick," I say before looking at the photo again.

I close my eyes and let my body change. My hair falls straight down my back and my curves fill out more. My hair darkens as I open my now dark blue eyes. Rumlow looks shocked.

"I like this one," Rumlow says to Pierce. I hold out my hand for my outfit. Pierce drops an elegant dress in my hand and gestures to the bathroom.

"Get out of my head!" I shout as I shove Loki away. I pant softly. Getting him out of my head took more effort than I would like to admit.

"It's not fun with people screw with your mind is it?" Loki asks bitterly.

"Suck my dick Loki," I say harshly. A smirk crawls across his face.

"You already sucked mine Princess," he chuckles before leaving the room.

"Fuck!" I scream angrily. I run my hands through my hair. The mission is compromised. I need to get out of here.

I sit on the floor and focus my ability on Thor. My eyes are blazing purple as I direct him to the door of my cell. I struggle to keep my hold on him as he unlocks the door.

I quickly get up and sprint at the door. As I get to it, it slams in my face. I skid to a stop, almost face planting into it. I look out the window to see Natasha is at the panel.

"Bitch!" I shout and hit the window, it cracks a bit and she looks shocked.

I focus all of my ability on Steve, James, Tony, and Thor. My eyes reflect a bright purple at me in the window. I smirk at Natasha as they all come into the room outside of my cell like love sick puppies.

"Let me out," I say to them. They nod and scramble to get the door open. Natasha is fighting them off and yelling for backup. Tony is able to hit the button and I walk out. They all look at me in admiration.

I let go of my hold on them. They look confused and then they see me out of my cell. They're all ready to fight me now.

"Y/N. Let us help you," Steve tries.

"Nobody can help me Steve," I say.

"You can help us stop HYDRA. You won't have to do their bidding anymore," James continues.

"I can't trust any of you," I say bitterly.

"You can trust me Y/N. I know what it's like to be with HYDRA. Let me help you. I promise you, I won't let them hurt you any more," James says.

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