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I started smoking again

Guess I missed coughing my lungs up every morning

Needed anything to keep me breathing

To prevent my blood from bleeding

using - sorority noise

Nick woke up struggling to open his eyes, the room was dark, and the monotonous patter of drops on the ledge outside the window did not subside. He got up, throwing the heavy blanket aside and with bare feet walked along the icycold parquet to the window, with his left hand he pulled the thick curtain to the side, the lazy cooled sky crawled somewhere to the north, wearily watered the gray streets with fine prickly rain. Droplets flew to the ground, forming a light fog near the asphalt, flowing down windshields, streams of water carried away bizarre gasoline stains, small puddles appeared on the well-groomed lawns of neighboring houses that would not dry out until winter.

Nick quietly left the house, shivered from the cold, and lit a cigarette. On the pavement, bare rose bushes swayed in the wind among the sluggish, dry grass. The rustling of slippers on the parquet behind him indicated the appearance of Victoria, who stood wrapped in a fluffy bathrobe and looked at the brunette, who stood at the wrought-iron fence of the front porch, with condemnation in her eyes.

"You should at least put on your shoes," the girl said hoarsely, throwing him a guest robe. She straightened the collar on his shoulders, smoothed it out so that there were no fingerprints on the wool. "You are a bloody idiot."

"What's wrong?" asked Nick, raising his head. "Nothing happened..."

"You fucking almost died in my room," the red-haired girl began a series of habitual moralizing, and then sighed and pulled a cigarette out of Nick's fingers, leaned her back on the door frame and inhaled deeply. She let out a huge puff of steam from her mouth "Shitty cigarettes."

"Did anybody ask?" Nick chuckled and took a cigarette from thin, pale fingers, took a short puff, and ran his fingers through his hair.

For a while he and Vicki stood in silence, her sightless eyes looking somewhere ahead, past the blue house across the road, past the rose bushes and the rare passing cars. Nick looked ahead down the street, looking around the little-known area, absorbing the surroundings like a sponge: well-maintained houses, with low wrought-iron fences, expensive cars, shiny and polished as if straight from an advertisement, there was a pleasant silence around, broken by the slight rustle of tires on wet asphalt or a rare distant barking dogs. There were no people on the street yet, so the guy decided that it was still too early to go outside. Nick did not even notice how his bare feet on the porch began to freeze, and then went completely numb, temporarily losing sensitivity. He shivered, looked at the girl standing next to him, noticing with surprise that she was looking at him with a slight smile, so dear and familiar.

Victoria was looking at the brunette and noticed everything: from the slightest change of emotions in his eyes, to how lightly his finger trembled on a cigarette smoked to the filter, how he barely shifted from heel to toe from the cold, how slightly curly hair on his temples were slightly wet then whether from sweat or how humid the air around. She looked into his eyes and smiled at some distant thought that she would not mind standing with him like that for a very long time. And not only today, in general.

Victoria shaked her head sharply, long hair in French braids hitting her hard in the face, she nodded to Nick in the direction of the house and left without looking back, as if she knew that he would follow her like a shadow.

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