my reverie

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Lost in silence in my reverie

It's my happy place, floating in the memories

Can I stay in this place where I belong?

No more vanity, no anxiety

my reverie - bullet for my valentine

Probably the most idiotic decision of Nick's life was to take acid at a fucking party with Luke and his pals. The dumbest thing Vicki could do was take one too, as if forgetting that she was quite drunk and that she brought Nick to this damn party. Nick looked at how the stamps were going from hand to hand and thought that a couple of days earlier he would have killed not only himself, but also Vickie if only he had found out about the company and situation they would find themselves in. But the guy decided that he would deal with everything later. Then he, firstly, could not leave Moore under acid without supervision. And secondly, he didn't want everyone else to have all the fun.

In a good way, only after hearing something about acid, the two of them had to get out of this damn area, run and not look back, hoping that they would not be killed or robbed along the way. Having a good time and watching cartoons should not have been a weighty argument in favor of taking drugs, Nick did not even imagine that he would ever succumb to such a cheap provocation. Drunk and stoned Vicki, of course, should not have been allowed home, her father and pregnant mother would not be happy about the appearance of a drunk daughter with Nick arm in arm. I can't fucking drag her to my place, after all, Nick went over ideas, mother can be at home. And she just wouldn't hesitate to beat up the two of them badly if he suddenly came back.

It was necessary for him to run away and not give a damn about Victoria's reputation and her new rich friends. Let her whine as much as she likes and throw tantrums at him. Nick shouldn't care about this nonsense. It was always a priority for him to save his own ass, which he considered healthy selfishness. But he's still not a complete bastard. And he was not indifferent to what would happen to the girl who took acid at this godforsaken party. This is a banal responsibility, not any feelings at all.

If someone else had been in Vicki's place, Nick would have done the same thing.

"I don't understand this sense of adventure," Dylan says, lying on the cold floor, either to Harvey or Victoria, or to himself, or maybe to all at once. "What's the point of taking acid at a shitty party with us?"

The four of them occupied the entire space of the floor, lying across, not along. Their legs overlapped one another, intertwined, looking at this mess of limbs, Nick could not understand which of them belonged to him. Luke was lying almost exactly in the middle, Nick was located to his right side, so close that he felt the heat emanating from the blonde's skin even through the dense fabric of jeans, which contrasted sharply with the icy floor. Dylan and Harvey laid to the blonde's left side.

Nick was tense, waiting for some effect, but nothing happened. No panic, no cyclicality, no vivid impressions. Acid was either weak, or just crappy, Nick thought. For some reason, he expected that he would be carried away and he would see the world around as if in an abstract movie with twisted brightness, or something similar to those hippie clips that he saw on TV as a child. And for some reason, the lack of effect settled somewhere in the guy's chest with a bitter resentment. He began to drift off to sleep, his eyelids felt like lead. But as soon as he closed his eyes, ugly colored spots appeared in front of them instead of the desired darkness, which did not allow him to relax and fall into a saving dream.

"What can go wrong in life to stick with us?" Dylan continued.

Harvey began to snore next to the guy in the white beanie. The acid was bad after all, Nick decided, although with these guys' tolerance for anything that could kill them, they probably just needed a higher dose.

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