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And there's a reason for this timeline

Nick couldn't bring himself to focus on the lesson, missing half of what the teacher said and forgetting the other half in a second. His head slowly but surely began to break into pieces from the pain, and the monotonous voice of Mrs. Myers and the boring topic of biology. One superimposed on the other, and as a result, Nick fell into a dream or into a light nap several times.

Half the day flew by unnoticed, no one paid too much attention to his swollen face, with the exception of Victoria. The girl from his advanced biology class, who after the lesson flew up to him and moved his head from side to side with her manicured thin fingers and hysterically said that he urgently needed to go to the first-aid post. Her attention in some way soothed the bitter nasty bile of anxiety that had accumulated in his stomach, because she was one of the few whom the brunette found pleasant in communication, and perhaps he was simply embarrassed to kick such a nice girl out of his life.

He wanted to eat until his knees were shaking, so Nick drank water in the fountain and went out into the school yard, deciding to take a walk. Half an hour later, he was already pacing the area around the school building, looking at the motley crowd of students heading in different directions after classes.

The headache still did not subside, it had only become more resonant and gave off heaviness in the eyes. It was already cool outside, the crown of the trees became more and more transparent, and the once green grass withered. The guy confidently walked to the place that he used to call his own - he liked to sit in the roots of an old maple tree and look at the sky for a long time, thinking about everything and nothing in particular. But today, the place under the maple was taken by the first years, who, like impudent magpies, crowded around the old tree, scattering lunch boxes and bags around. Nick sighed bitterly and turned around, slowly walking away in the other direction, going over in his head the possible places where he would not meet a lot of people and could sit in silence, perhaps take a nap. Definitely not a cafeteria, the maple is occupied, Nick went over in his head what is left, the toilets, the stadium, now there is a break and it's definitely empty there.

Nick, feeling sore and weak, could barely move his feet as he walked down the steps of the bleachers to find more hidden seats to lie down on. The guy chose a row closer to the middle and laid down on a wooden bench, putting a backpack under his head. There were no real thoughts in his head, only the quickening pulsation of blood in the temples. The sky above was an unnatural cold blue color, bright to the point of pain in the eyes, heavy clouds hung on the horizon, like cotton wool soaked with dirty water, which would definitely bring rain or a thunderstorm. But he still had some time to lie down, a couple of hours for sure.

From the sunlight, the eyes began to hurt even more, the pulsation did not stop, even the rustle of the leaves seemed to cause a new wave of pain. Nick pulled a worn black cap over his face, which he almost never took off. He felt that with every minute he spent on the field, he was sinking deeper and deeper into tangled, almost delusional thoughts.

He went over the morning situation in his head, the stupid conversation with Clay in the corridor, his rude phrase, which seemed much more offensive from him. Just a year or two ago, he could trust him without any conventions. Just being together and supporting each other with cozy silence, they could wander around the city for hours. But now his friend was somewhere far away, and the gulf between them seemed immense.

Nick sighed, gathering himself, pulled his cap off his eyes, looked at the time on his phone and realized that he was out for more than an hour. A flock of schoolgirls rushed past the guy down the stands with shouts and a roar, vying with each other about the imminent start of some qualifying round. He categorically did not want to stay on the podium, but for some reason he stayed.

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