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Let me tell you a lil' story 'bout where we don't go

And there's this forest on the eastside where all the evil beasts lie

And I cannot deny that my brain buzzin' like a beehive

And move out to the seaside, oh my God, it must be nice

arsenic - glaive

Elaina, a black girl with eyes so dark that you couldn't see her pupils in them, heavily lined with black eyeliner, layed with her head on Nick's shoulder. She occupied most of the small sagging couch in the house of some friend of Vicky's on the outskirts of the city. Thin and fragile, Elaina rested her feet on one of the armrests. Nick was extremely uncomfortable. Firstly, Vikki had already thrown him here for a couple of hours, in the company of unfamiliar people, secluded somewhere in the attic with her brand new girlfriend. Secondly, Nick did not even have normal weed with him to relax. And thirdly, Elaina definitely had a boyfriend from whom he did not want to get a punch in the jaw from him for some stoned foolish girl, who was completely uninteresting to him.

The dubious party has already passed into the stage of indistinct and sad. Even the music played calmly, the beats did not shake the whole block, preventing the neighbors from sleeping. Nick would have left, but there was no desire to stay the night in the trailer park again at all, so he was delighted to the point of madness when he saw in response to his message an invitation from Vicky to a "small party". Of course, again only our people, Nick thought with hatred and anger, as usual, a small party with a couple of dozen people. Relatives, close fucking friends.

"It will be fun," Vicky said.

"You just need to relax," Vicky said.

Nick even agreed with this. He had just finished his part of the assignment and sent it to that annoying Elizabeth Horowitz, putting an end to their unwanted communication. The girl bored him to the point of colic and annoyed him with constant calls and messages on Facebook demanding meetings with her, usually she sent the place and time where she diligently waited for him, and then wrote an angry triad. Nick never showed up to meet her, not because he was terribly busy, out of principle. It was not in his rules to obey some juvenile arrogant girl who demanded what he told her in plain text, he will never do.

Maybe that's why he was glad to be dragged to the other end of the city to hang out with Vicky's friends. It just turned out to be a very bad idea. He had never been able to easily get close to unfamiliar people, and did not know how to relax in someone else's company. Nick couldn't turn into the star of the party after a couple of beers, at a party he is the guy who sits on the phone in the kitchen, smoking cigarette after cigarette. After such parties, he did not have new contacts on Facebook. He didn't have hickeys on his neck from a casual sex with the company's most accessible bitch. He couldn't even just be there.

"Cracks in the ceiling," Elaina said. Nick tilted his head. "It's the nerves of the house, isn't it, Kyle?"

She was in absolute prostration, cut off from the world. So much so that she seemed to be confusing him with some Kyle. Nick even envied her a little. She could only afford to worry about such trivia as nerve-cracks. It was Nick who tried to believe in some personal perspective.

"Nerves carry signals throughout the body," Nick said. "It's more like scars and wrinkles that reflect the age of the house or what happens to it..."

Elaina reluctantly and slowly lifted her head from his shoulder, turned around, staring her black eyes at him, peering as if she was trying to find something inside Nick. the hair on his arms stood on end.

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