Part 1

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Good afternoon. This is the final boarding call for passenger Mr. Bright V Chivaree booked on flight123. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. This the final boarding call for Mr. Bright V. Chivaree. Thank you.

Bright slumped on the seat, breathing heavily. He was just on time, its barely couple of minute left before take-off. He flashed a tired smile as wiped off his sweat with tissues. He closed his eyes to calm down a little. Well, catching flight at last moment was not a new thing to him, he always late for flight and its become his habit. He smirked and connect a quick call to Luke, its still a minute left, enough time for a reminder.

Well, he is Bright V. Chivaree, CEO of PC constructions. This company founded by two friends, Bright's father Bryan and Luke's father Logan. As most of the capital was given by Bryan, but still he founded Plowden-Chivaree construction aka PC constructions in short, with 50-50 share partnership, He had blind faith to Logan. Bright had a happy childhood until his mother Shema suddenly hanged herself one day. He devastated by his mother's death. He was lonely and mourning, and extremely fragile condition, his father remarry at that time. It was a big blow for a 9-year-old; he thought his father cheated on his dead mother and his father's new wife Reita was the reason.

At the fragile time of his life, Logan was a big supporter for Bright. He even fought for him to Bryan. Bright started hated Bryan and his wife when gave birth to a baby girl. He thought that child as his rival. Bryan tried to change his mind, but after years he didn't succeed. Bright's hatred towards Bryan, his wife and their newborn, growing gradually. But when the kid was barely 3 years old, Bryan died of a tragic accident.

Everything was changed with that. After few months she left to America with her daughter. She tried to take Bright with her, but that 13 year old was adamant to stay with Logan instead of her. And being a 'loyal friend' of Bryan, Logan always fulfilled his duty. He always preferred Bright's choice over everything, he gave every single thing he wanted, he even booked an entire bar when Bright sip his first drink at the age of fifteen..... next year, he rented a luxurious suite for Bright for his first one-night-stand. Soon, Bright got popular as his handsome look and money; many boys and girls throw themselves on him, and being a player, he never failed to satisfy them.

Now, after ten years, 26 years old Bright become a handsome CEO of PC constructions. He was still famous in market, but instead of his playboy character, he is a very good businessman. He took his father's company to a dream position in just three years. Now, one more feather added to his crown. Bright Vachirawit Chivaree is a multi-millionaire.

Bright quickly dialed Luke's number and for his luck, he picked up after a single ring, "Hey, Bright, all set?"

"Just in usual." Bright chuckled, "Where is 'she'? you didn't give me any details!"

"it's a 'he' this time. I bet, you will love him. I admit Bright, if I didn't buy him for you, I would have keep him for myself."

"Is he that much beautiful?"

"You will see it. Well, I will mail you details of your accommodation and business meeting."

He groaned, "I am there to relax Luke!"

"ohh come on. You just have to sign the deal; it will take just half of the day, then you are free like a wild bird" Luke said, when he didn't get any reply, he continued, "by the way, Its a beach-house with all facilities; I ordered best alcohol and best sea-food for you....and no one will disturb you until you call them."

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