Part 7

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Bright woke up, again on an empty bed in morning. There was a pillow and neatly folded blanket besides, indicating the owner again left early. He started to hate the feelings of emptiness.... He hates wake up on empty bed. He missed his warmth as well as had an urge to see the younger is the first thing in morning. He sighed in disappointment. Suddenly the bed felt too huge to be his liking, his frustrated whine muffled by the pillow as he hugged it tightly, inhaled his intoxicating scent. He likes this unique fragrance, its sweet and mild, very unique, just like him. He is allowing it to fill in his senses which lead his mind to some inappropriate thoughts. Bright inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, Win's face appeared in front. His innocent eyes, plump lips, silky hair.... he still felt the touch of Win's lips on his palm. Bright shivered on those feelings, unconsciously a sensuous moan escaped from his lips.... he startled; it surprises himself too. He got up from the bed in impulse, throwing the pillow aside, He clutched his chest to stop his racing heartbeat, he couldn't understand why suddenly the later has this kind of effect on him. Why mere thought of him made his heartbeat racing like this.... He never felt this way to anyone .... He never craved for anyone, not even those top models who would do anything to get his attention.... To get in his bed.

Bright sighed before walked to washroom. Unintentionally comparison his past life to present one. He turned on the shower, let the water fall freely on his head, slipping down through his torso, wetting his entire boy before vanished through drain. He closed his eyes and listening the sound of running water echoing on small bathroom. It has no comparison to his house. That was too lavish and all single things were expensive and stylish, and here he uses an old shower and a bucket, if necessary, not to mentioned old mattress and cheap utensils. But something is here which he never felt before. His lavish mansion, expensive furniture, modern equipment didn't give any positively peaceful vibe like this small rented house. He feels peace... he feels clam.... He feels positivity of everything. Slowly, one by one, he realized that whatever happen, happen for good. His lavish life had been an uncontrolled bohemian life. PC Construction was the only thing he wanted. He understood life is not only about money; obviously, it is necessary for surviving, but not everything. The feeling is new, the realization is new and he wants to share it......... With Win.

Win? Why Win? Why not someone else? Well, he doesn't know. He didn't know why he always thinking about him. In past, he was most eligible bachelor in market, his was flamboyance, opened to all, and his playboy image just added more charm. His used his charm worked to everyone, mostly beautiful models whom he bedded. But, here, Win was completely opposite of them. He didn't even try to force himself, he even working to death just to take care of Bright who bought him with money for his personal pleasure.

He shivered as suddenly he felt the coldness of water. He looked up at geyser, why hot water felt so cold against his skin? Switching off the geyser he stepped out from bathroom. His thought was totally messed up.... And he himself was the reason for that. He has to do something, otherwise this loneliness messed up his life. But, is loneliness the only reason which messed up his life? He never feels lonely ever... he was always surrounded by models and other high society people, never felt any soft feelings towards them. Then why he is feeling soft to Win? Why he wants to be with him every time? why his absence made his restless? Why he wants to see him first?

Bright went to balcony, sweet fragrance of blossomed flowers from nearby garden floating in the air.... Win loves gardening, but never got chance to do. Bright imagined a house surrounded by garden will make Win happy. He never got a chance to live for himself.... Now its Bright's turn to give him everything. He imagined how big he will smile. Unconsciously, he smiles, happiness spreads through his heart. He sighed happily, determined to give Win everything he deserves. But why? Because, Win saved him? take care of him? give him a chance to live again? Or, he just wants to thanks him?

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