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Bright groaned in annoyance... continuous incoming massage tone disturbing his sleep. He forcefully opened his eyes as he got another message. Who the hell messing him in middle of the night!! He blinked twice to clear his vision and his eyes met most beautiful sight of his life. Win was sleeping soundly beside him. His head tilted a little, messy hair partly covered his eyes, bunny teeth visible between his slightly parted lips, both of his palms rested on his chest. Bright's heart flattered to look of his innocent face, he slowly touched his soft skin with his knuckles. Win stirred a little before turned and snuggle closer to him. Bright dipped his finger in his thick hair and combing softly, he blushed to see Win's exposed neck. He scooted closer to him, feeling the warmth of their necked body. He pulled the duvet carefully, hiding a large purplish mark on his shoulder. Out of shyness he hides his face crook of his neck before kissed that hickey......his own body was not different than Win, giving a clear proof of their wild night..... actually, its their first night after marriage.

Bright kissed his neck before holding his sleeping husband tightly on his arms..... he loved the feeling of holding him in his arms, feeling contained. His life become beautiful with Win and with his family too. He is now considering Milane and Elina as his family; they are getting along pretty well. At first Win was hesitant towards them, but Elina made everything easy. Now three of them ganged up against Bright and made fun of him whenever they got a chance. He loved the way they pampered him when he sulked by their little teasing.

He still remembered how Win and him struggle to adjust the different life in different time zone......and it came out the younger was quiet flexible as he adapted faster than Bright. It was still afresh in his mind, how much they struggled to start their new life..... how they got a new apartment after couple of months after Bright started as an employee in his mother's company and Win started resumed his education. At first he was against it, but Bright forced him for homeschooling so he can help him in business in future. Bright was still in daze; it felt like a dream to got married to love of his life. It looked surreal to saw Win walked on aisle in white suit, he looked breathtakingly beautiful. He heard murmur and some admiring gaze for Win; it will be a lie if he said he wouldn't jealous, and in same time, proud of himself too. That beautiful man was his and only his. The world dissolved around him when the younger stood in front with a happy smile..... he didn't see anything but his husband's beautiful face. He didn't hear how his sister made fun of him, though he didn't mind at all. He loves Win and that's all matter.


Bright startled. He was back to realize the sole purpose of wake up in middle of the night. He sighed, instead of check the message, he chooses to remain as same position...snuggling more to him. He still in daze to have a husband now...... Win is his now.... Legally.... No one can separate them. He felt pair of arms snacked around his torso, followed by a whisper, "I know, you love me so much. But those messages should be important too."

Bright groaned, "I don't want to check, you are so warm and comfortable."

"You too, but I really need to use the washroom urgently."

Reluctantly, he detached himself, amused to see how Win hurriedly dressed up whatever clothes he found nearby and left for washroom with a flashed face......Bright chuckled at him. His attention shifted to mobile as another message arrived.

After finishing his bathroom necessities Win back to their room. He was surprised to see the bed was empty, there's no one in the room. He craned his neck to see the balcony door was wide open. "What is he doing there?" frowned, he walked to the balcony. It is their favourite place; they decorated their balcony according to their taste and now it became most cosy place of entire house. Win silently walked and stood at the door. The balcony flooded with moonlight, leaves of plants swinging lightly in chilly breeze.... The big moon hanging on dark sky, clouds swept past the sky as if they are playing hide and seek with the moon and the stars.

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