Part 6

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Win placed the bag beside table, then closed the door. "Is this your room?" Bright asked in astonishment while looking around. He doesn't believe that he is going to live in this tine room from now on. He never saw this tiny room in his entire life, even his dog house was better than this. So, he was very much disappointed.

"Are we going to live in this room?" he asked again to confirm, rubbed off some dirty paints coming off the wall. "Yes" Win replied softly from the kitchen. He arranged some food-container on table, placing a plate and two bowls and turned, "Please go and get fresh. You need to eat on time."

Bright frowned, "Don't lecture me. I know what to do."

Before Win could open his mouth to reply, his phone starts ringing. Its Mr.Zyun.... "Yes sir?" Win put the phone on speaker.

"Where is Bright? What is he doing? is he throwing tantrums?"

"He is in front."

Bright glair at him. He doesn't like since the moment he stepped in this room. Its not only look very much cheap, but looks poor too. Definitely Win doesn't have taste at all.

"Bright, listen to Win. Do whatever he say.....and don't disappoint me."

"Yes uncle."

"Please get fresh quickly. I am warming up your food."

Bright huffed in annoyance, but silently walked to tiny bathroom to freshen up. He doesn't like to stay here for a second, but he has no other choice. After half an hour, he stepped out with a new pair of track pants and t-shirt.

"What the hell is this?" he wrinkled his nose, those white substance on bowls look utterly disgusting.

"This is porridge and other is vegetable soup."

"I don't eat it. Order some pizza and coke."

"Doctor suggest soft foods, its good for your stomach."

"Don't boss me, you are not my father." He snapped, "Give me your phone." He demanded. Win sighed, "No"

"What?" He raised his voice, "What did you say?"

Win sighed, "Mr.Zyun ordered me follow doctor's word strictly. So, it will be bad for both of us if we broke his instructions." He sounds like dealing with a child, "so, if you eat those food. I will buy some pizza this weekend." He tried to coax him.

"Are you sure?" .....and he succeed.

"Yes, but only if you finish your every meal without fuss." Very next moment Win was witnessing, how a big child sulking while finishing his meal silently. He bites his lower lip to supressed his smile.


Bright woke up from sleep middle of the night as nature calling. It took couple of second to realized where he was. The room was silent and cold. But, thankfully not pitch dark, the light of lamp-post coming through open window, faintly illuminating the room. Everything was so clam, barking of street dogs breaking the silence of the night occasionally. He shivered as he pulled aside the duvet, the chill air was telling the winter is coming. He hugged himself while rubbed both arms for warmness before walked to bathroom. After finishing his bathroom necessities, he came back and his eyes landed on the other person of this house, who was sleeping farthest corner of mattress. He was sleeping in fetus position to keep himself warm in cool night. He looked like a big ball under a thin blanket.

Bright tiptoed to him and crouch down..... Win was sleeping like a dead, his cheeks turned red and lips were dry due to cold weather, his messy hair giving a babyish look. Bright lightly touched his forehead and gasped.... Its cold like ice. How could someone is sleeping in coldness?? Silently he pulled his duvet over Win .... Unknowingly he smiled when the latter sighed in warmth. Bright got up and went back to bed, this time he lied beside Win while sharing same duvet with him. He turned his head to see sleeping baby who drapped the duvet around himself, only his face was visible. Bright suddenly felt contained to seeing him so peaceful. He slowly rubbed his knuckles on his cheek, skin was warmer than before. He completely turned and face sleeping Win. He again touched his cheek with knuckles, and got a whined by the later.

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