Part 10

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Milane cut the call and look at his son. Bright was silent during entire call... he was sitting like a statue during entire conversation, but those endless tears show how deep impact has it had on him. He was surprised when Milane called Win, he didn't understand the purpose. Why she was asking about him when he was right in front?! He about to ask, but Milane raised her hand to signal him to keep silence. He was listening silently, still didn't understand where their conversation going.

"I am offering you one million baht for leaving from my son's life."

He was shocked beyond limits, his eyes widened, he tried to protest but couldn't formed any word properly. Silent tears formed again when Milane increased the amount. She tried hard to selling his love with five million that too in front of him. Is his love cost five million? His emotions, his feelings, his every heartbeat is saleable? Insecurity increased with every passing seconds.

"The money you are offering is not enough."

His heart broke into million pieces, Bright let his tear fall freely. Does Win only want money? His smile, his care, his sacrifice – everything was acting?? Even today's proximity was acting too? Does he use him like everyone else? He closed his eyes before bites his lips, head hung down...... he is ready to sacrifice his entire life for Win, but he cant take the insult of his love. His heart jumped up to his throat and pound painfully when Win's apologetic voice collided to his ear, "I am sorry mam, I can't accept your offer."

Really? Win just rejected five million dollars? His eyes snapped open.... Yes, Win refused to take this huge amount. He looked at Milane's face. She was grinning ear to ear while silent tear slipped from her sparkly eyes. Win's words now reached to his heart...... Bright now understood her plan....

"I will leave from his life mam. I promise. but I cant take your money."

And her plan works. Slow smile formed in his lips..... his didn't know how much happy he was right now... his heart now in peace. This phone call was a breakthrough of his life. Now, he got Milane, a genuine person who really thinks about his wellbeing and second, Win who refused to sell his unconfessed love; though he didn't admit about it, but his helpless cry was louder than unspoken words.

He felt his heart become heavy in emotions..... he felt breathless, it refrained him from any reaction. But, his tears has its own power..... it falls freely like cascade. He came back from trans as a soft hand started caressing his head. He looked at the owner and found her tear-drenched face shinning in happiness ..... it's the face of a mother who was happy for her son. All his life Bright hated her, blamed her for every misery of his life; but he was wrong, Milane helped him this crucial phase of his life.... She became an important person within few days. His couldn't hold his emotions anymore which reached to its limit.... How much he thought wrong about Win! How much he thought wrong about Milane!

He hides his face with both palms and sobbed out loud. Milane quickly scooted closer and rubbed his back to sooth him down. Bright sobbed..... recalling Win's words.... It broke his heart into pieces. Then suddenly he realized something ..... Win's unspoken words now reached to his brain and it made him realize that he refused the money because he loves him. Bright almost freaks out.... Win loves him?! for real!!

His breath hitched, "He-He loves me!" Bright stated in broken voice while looked up at her. Milane can see pure love is twinkling in his eyes .... He looked so much happy. He was beaming like clear blue sky after heavy rain. She smiled while nodded, reciprocating his happiness. She always wants to see both of her children happy.

He holds Milane's arms, grinning ear to ear "He loves me. He loves me. He loves me, mom." He shook her, "Win loves me. Win loves me mom. He doesn't hate me." Bright chanted repeatedly; their eyes glistering with happy tears. Bright was so much engrossed of his own happiness that he didn't notice that Milane stood there like a statue ..... unable to react. The dream she dreamt since her marriage now suddenly become true. On the other hand, Bright just keep repeating Win's name again and again until heard a soft sob. He looked up to see her tried to fight back her tears. Bright realized he should have ashamed to called her 'mom' out of blue, but surprisingly he wasn't, instead he felt extremely contained. He slowly holds both of her hands carefully. When he didn't find any resistance from her, he bent down, "I am sorry" He whispered while placed his forehead on her aged hands. "I am sorry for what I did to Dad, you and Elina. I am sorry for everything."

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