Part 4

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Next day, Win took a leave from his second and third jobs and went to hospital to meet Bright. Nervousness never left him in entire journey, it only increased when P'Mon gesture to go to cabin. He flashed a tight smile to him then walked with shacky leg. He came to this cabin numerous times in all those years without hesitation, but today was different. He felt suddenly his heart jumped up on throat and beating painfully, he felt suffocated, his lungs hurts of shortage of oxygen. He stood there for couple of minutes to compose himself, but it didn't work. Instead of decreasing, his anxiousness start increasing about the fact of what will be Bright's reaction after seeing him! With so much hesitation and anxiousness he twisted the door-knob and slowly open the door, only greeted by a typical hospital moment. Bright was sitting position with help of bedrest and a nurse feeding him. Wires of some machines still attached to his body. He looked so thin; his pale face, hollow cheeks and dark circles made him almost look like a skeleton.

"Good morning, Win" The nurse greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning." Win greeted back, then placed his bag on nearby stool and stood in corner. The silence of this room turned louder with beeping sound of machines and few words here and there from nurse. Win was looking down, suddenly, his almost worn out shoes looks so attractive than anything. The white marble floor absolutely gorgeous, but it cant stop someone's gaze on him, and Win didn't need to look up to confirm the person.




He snapped back from his trance and he looked up. The nurse smiled then showed him an almost quarter empty strip of tablets, "You need to buy these tablets beforehand. Its necessary. Talk to Dr.Pear, she changed some medicine." She informed before collected the tray and leaved the room.

The room filled with awkward silence. Win still didn't get some courage to look at him, suddenly he becomes very self-conscious.....didnt know what to do. He shifted uncomfortably while gripped the corner of his t-shirt tightly, he glanced at Bright, who was looking at Win with unreadable expression. His eyes sharpened when their eyes met. Well, its really scarry.

Win cleared his throat nervously, "H-Hi" he gulped, "h-how are you?"

Bright didn't utter a single word.....just looking at him with blank expression. His face was stoic, no one can guess what's going on in his head. After almost an eternity, he spoke, "Why are you here?"

Win snapped up with wide eyes, he almost stopped breathing. "I-I am-" he gulped, he didn't know what to reply. This question was so sudden yet straight forward that Win didn't have any ability to face it. This question hit him direct to his face with full force.


"I-I am s-sorry." He lowered his head. A lump formed inside his throat while he blinked rapidly to send back his tear. He didn't know why he eyes filled with tear, almost threating to fall down. He didn't know that a simple question can be this hurtful that can bring tear in eyes......well, until now!

"Where is uncle? Luke?" Bright looked sharply at him, "why I am in this dirty place?" he craned his neck to inspected surrounding, "This hospital is so low class."

Win quickly composed himself, he understood it doesn't matter what he has done for him.....because Bright doesn't know a single thing....and he has nothing to lose. A sudden confidence boosted him, "Do you remember your accident?" he asked directly looking at his eyes.

"hm." Bright just nodded.

"Doctors send you here for better treatment."

"Ridiculous" he scoffed, "what do you think of yourself? I will never buy your crappy excuses."

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