Part 2

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Win opens his eyes. It took couple of second to realize that its past mindnight, 3.30a.m. to be exact. Its his usual time to get up and starts household chores. But today is different, he is now on some else's bed, loose his everything in a night....and he accepted it like always. His life has changed from today, he is a prostitute now!

He sighed and looked down to see Bright who is practically sleeping on him. His arm loosely around his torso while his face pressed on crook of his neck, mouth was slightly open. He looks like a baby while sleeping ..... so innocent. Suddenly something happened, something changed inside him, he feels comfortable in Bright's arms....he feels secure....he feels calm and free from worry. He smiled at that sleeping baby and suddenly he got a naughty idea, he slowly traced his bow-shaped lips with his finger. Bright whined as a ticklish feeling disturb his sleep. He wiggled a little then continue sleeping.

Win finds it very adorable, his heart start beating loudly, he always wanted this proximity with his life partner. What will happen if Bright becomes his life partner? A beautiful likeliness spreads all over his heart, unaware of his own action, he slowly dipped his finger into his thick hair and starts combing, Bright sighed in response and pressed his face on crook oh his neck more while tighten his arms. Win leans forward and about to kiss him, suddenly seems the magical spell broke and Win snapped back to reality. What is he doing? What is he thinking? Bright is no one to him. He bought Win to fulfil his physical pleasure, he will never be his anyone, loving him is out of option! He might even sell him when he loses interest in him.

His eyes watered at this thought, 'why I am crying over spilled milk?" he thought, 'I am nothing but one of his bed-warmer. He isn't emotionally attached to me and will never happen.' Slowly Win detached himself from his hold and turned, he hissed as a sharp pain shoot through his entire body, he felt lower part of his body was numbed. He tried to get up, but cant. He closed to eyes to endure pain and tried again to get up; after couple of fruitless tries he give up, sighed in defeat he decided to back to sleep.

When he opens his eyes again, its already past morning. Sunrays coming through big windows, flooding the whole room with bright light. He realized he is alone on the bed, Bright is nowhere in this room and the whole room was quiet.....too quiet for his liking, if he doesn't count the faint sound of running AC. Win still feel soreness, so he still lied on the bed for some time, the clock indicate that its past ten in the morning, if he were home at this time, he had to do lot of work, he didn't find a single day for rest as long as he remembered. He sighed and decided to take a bath; with little difficulty he get up and somehow dragged his naked body to bathroom.

He plashed water on his face and looked at the mirror. His face looked same as before; dishevelled hair, dry and cracked lips, swollen eyes....... he laughs, nothing has changed at all! But there is something..... something on his body, a big purplish mark on shoulder, near his neck. A drop of tear tickled down from his eyes and he laughs again, this mark is the prove that his life wasn't same anymore. Wiping his tear harshly he walked to shower, the pain in his heart is more painful compare to his physical pain. He hissed in pain as lukewarm water hit his skin, it felt like burning, the marks on his body making it worse. He closed his eyes to endure the pain, slowly the warm water does the magic, his muscles relaxed as the pain subsided slowly.

He took longest shower in his life. He planned to stay under shower little more until he stomach grumbled. He had not eaten anything since yesterday afternoon, he only took drinks with Bright. Unable to holding his hunger, he come out from the bathroom, draped a towel around his waist. First, he changed his clothes into a t-shirt and barmuda, its his favourite dress because its comfortable. He searched for some food and soon his eyes landed on table, something was there. He smiled widely, a bowl of chicken soup, toasts and fruits, and a simple note stick on an ointment and tablet-strip, 'eat then take medicine'; he feels very happy to get a proper and most luxurious breakfast first time in his life. He was very hungry, soon he finished everything from the plate. Then he took care of himself with proper medication. He had nothing to do, so he decided to sleep more. Today he can sleep his heart contained.

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