Part 5

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Bright looked at aunt May confusingly. She grinned mischievously, "Don't hide it from me son. Me too had a boyfriend cum husband.".

He blinked his eyes in confusion, "I don't love him aunty. Win is definitely not my type."

"Oh come on!" She dismissed his protest, "He is absolutely your type. Tough, handsome, hardworking, selfless and honest......what else do you want?"

Bright remain silent, its true that Win has all those feature, but ....but is he really his type? He doesn't know, but he felt uneasy when he saw Dr.Pear hugged Win. He didn't like that, but... those feelings were for Pear?? Right?? Off course! Definitely!!

He closed his eyes and sighed deeply..... he tried to convinced himself, but, in deep down his subconscious mind knew the truth. "Maybe he has all those qualities, but I really don't like him."

Aunty May smiled fondly, "I believe you Bright, but why did you thought about Win, when I didn't mention his name?" she smiled again when the boy remains silent, "Think carefully, don't rush. Our life gives us only one chance, the luckiest ones get twice. So, think wisely my dear, don't rush." She kept brushing his hair until he falls asleep. He needs a good night sleep to clear his mind....and his heart. "Don't take too long so you don't have to regret later."


Bright opened his eyes when warm sunrays kissed his face. He expected Aunt May, but there was the same nurse from yesterday arranging his medicines. "Good morning." She smiled when realized he awake.

"Same to you too. Where is aunt May?" he asked straightforwardly, without hint of any emotion.

The nurse chuckled at his rudeness, "She left early.... like always." She comes near Bright and help him to sit, "She will back in evening."

After finishing morning medication schedules, Bright now looking at the television, it showing the lifestyle of a school of dolphins. He really not enjoying at all, he thought this program was childish until the anchor started talking about anatomy of those cute but giant creature. He yawned in boredom, its been 2 hours straight, he was watching those sea creatures and he really need some break. He picked up the remote and flipping through channels. Suddenly a news caught his eyes and his whole world crushed into dust ...... the CEO of PC Construction Mr. Luke Plowden engaged with model Gigi Sarocha.

"So, Win was right." He mumbled, clinching his jaws. His body turned rigid when the channel showing clippings of their engagement party, he spotted uncle Logan too. Gigi Sarocha indeed a beautiful girl, but Bright's fiery eyes cant leaving Luke. He wanted to know the truth, but how? He should ask someone about it; although he could call Plowdens, but he has to know the truth first. He has to find someone who was loyal to Chivaree, someone trustworthy, but who?

His rubbed his thumb over his phone which turned into a useless box due to expired sim. His eyes cant leave the TV screen for a second, 'Enjoy all you want till I find the truth.' He closed his eyes, tried remember the face of that one person in ocean of faces whom he can trust right now!

That night, with help of Dr.Pear, Bright called his father's old friend cum lawyer Mr.Zuyn, who had been their lawyer for many years...... and one day suddenly he replaced by an young lawyer. His uncle Logan informed Bright that Mr.Zuyn resigned from his job and left the city. His name came first in Bright's mind and fortunately, his old number still working.

Mr.Zuyn almost verge of crying when Bright introduced himself. The overwhelmed emotion not hidden in his voice, "You would never imagine Bright, how much I am happy today."

"I am happy too uncle. How are---" before he could finished Mr.Zuyn cuts him, "Where are you? Give me your address, I have so much story to tell."


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