Part 9

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BUZZ            BUZZ

Suddenly everything stood still. Win come back to sense first. It took a second to realize the situation. He quickly distances himself, still panting.... He looked at Bright, wide eyes with horrified expression. "Noh" his whisper came out as shaky as he was, stepped backward.... He closed his eyes for a second as he ashamed of himself, regret clearly written on his face. Bright was looking at him dumbfoundedly, his every movement ... every emotion piercing dagger in his heart. The dagger twisted deeper when Win stepped back, clasping his mouth tightly while shook his head in denial.... Is he denying their intimate moments? Bright's lips pursed into a thin line, his jaws tighten when Win just run from there to balcony and slammed the door, leaving Bright middle of the room.

Bright stood there.... Motionless. His blurry eyesight, shallow breathing made his bod heavier in every passing second, he plopped down when his legs can't carry his weight anymore..... feeling devastated. Tears formed in his eyes when he looked at the closed balcony-door. He trembled, throat dried, remembering Win's regretful eyes. Win was scared...he was ashamed.... but why? Was he scared of him? Was he ashamed of him? Was he regretting their intimacy? "No, Win wouldn't regret us!" Bright stated in whisper, it sounds more like consoling himself.

He very much aware of Win's behaviour..... how his ears turned red in small teasing..... how he bites his lips and duck his head.... How small compliments affected him. How his eyes twinkled on little praising. How he turned into red tomato when he asked him to sleep together. No one would believe that this tall giant is actually a softie! Then why? He would not have reacted that way if he hadn't any feeling. He never reacted when they slept together. He never said he had anything to regret. Then why? Why he regretting now? Does he realize how unworthy Bright is? Is he planning to leave him? like how Bright's mother left him? Bright knew, today he crossed the line, they shouldn't have been intimate out of blue. He knew, its his fault, he shouldn't have been initiate ....Win just went with the flow.... He has not in fault. Bright was the one he should blame. But, here, he isn't feeling any regret.... He isn't feeling that he did something wrong. It felt so right to kiss Win.... It felt so nice into his arms.... it felt so contented to close to him. His feelings were indescribable, he never felt the way he is feeling for Win.... He wants to stay forever in his arms. He isn't feeling any regret... he never experienced any kind of emotion after those uncountable one-night stands, but now he experiencing massive eruption of emotions..... liking, admiring, peacefulness, contentment and specially Love. He wants him in his life.... He wants to take care of him for rest of his life.... He wants to give Win all the happiness in the world. But, Win regrets.... He doesn't reciprocate same feelings and now he hates him.... he is regretting his action. A lone tear slipped from Bright's eyes.


The phone buzzed again, bringing back Bright from trance. He perplexed for couple of seconds then quickly compose himself before picked up the phone. It was Milane.....

"Bright, Zyun fixed our meeting with rivals' early morning tomorrow. Do you have any problem?"

"No. When? Where?"

"Its six in the morning. I will text you the venue."

"Six?" he sighed, "Okay, no problem." He lowly muttered.

Milane silent for a moment, "Are you okay?" she asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I am okay." He relied shortly.

"But you don't sound okay son." she concerned, "Are you at home? Wait there. I am coming."

Bright inhaled sharply. No one ever shows any concern for him... no matter how low he felt, how lonely he felt... no one asked how he was. And here, his step mother whom he cut off from his life.... Whom he blamed for his parent's death, showing pure concern to him... she understood his feelings just by few words?! Bright felt how wrong he was.... Milane indeed his step mother, but she is a nice lady..... she is not his mother, but she concerned like a real mother. His heart become heavy.

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