Part 8

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"Did you miss me?" Elina broke the hug and looked at him, "Tell me honestly."

Bright startled.... How could he answer this question with honesty? He neither missed her nor loved her.... It will affect his and Milane's image. She put so much effort to keep his image, both their image as well as faith will ruin if he replies truthfully. Elina will never believe them. What will he do?

Bright smiled softly before cupped her face, "What do you think?"

Elina frowned for a second, then smiled brightly, "You missed me so much."

He reciprocated her smile and pulled her into a hug. He was very happy; he got a loving sister. He kissed her hair, thinking how he blinded by his hate that he completely ignored this beautiful girl.... He didn't even remember her face. But now he got her, he will repay for all those years he wasted.

"P'Bright" Elina called again, "Will you come with me?"


"Will you come with me to U.S.?"

Bright remained silent... this question was sudden, but not unexpected. Uncle Zyun told him about it before, even Milane already requested. But he didn't decide, all his thought went to the direction of Win. The thought of leaving him behind giving him pain. He felt like someone torn his heart apart.... He wanted to leave Thailand. Living in this country will be harmful for him, so he wants to leave as soon as the deal is signed. But he can't leave Win behind.... It's not only life-threatening for him, Bright just can't think of leaving him. It's not even in option. Bright wants to stay with Win .... Out of pity? Probably not! In few days he is quite aware of his feeling. He realized that he is changing....for good. He never felt the emptiness which he felt before and that was the reason behind his almost every day one night stand. But now he didn't feel like sleeping around or getting drunk anymore. Yet, he felt lonely when the latter is not around, he started overthinking.... imagine unexpected and negative consequences, but all those are vanished into thin air as soon as Win stepped inside the room with a smile. "Ahh.....I will go there someday." He replied, somehow hanging his answer in between.

But the answer didn't like by Elina, she pouted, "Why someday? You don't love me!" she broke the hug and stepped backward, she is almost verge of crying.

Bright panicked as he saw her tear, "Don't cry Eli, I have some business to finish. After that I will go there." He tried his best to console her. Elina turned around, "I thought, we all are living together in U.S. I thought, I will arrange your engagement party. But you ruined everything. I hate you. I don't want to talk to you." She pouted again and about to left the balcony, Bright stopped him, "My engagement party?!" he wonders. He doesn't have a lover yet; engagement is out of question.

"Yes. Your engagement with P'Win." She turned to face him, "I know, he is your boyfriend. You love him." She left behind a stunned Bright. He was too stunned to even react.... 'He is your boyfriend'.... It echoing in his head. 'Win is my boyfriend?' a sudden emotion erupts, like a dam broke and flooded the barren land within a second, washed away every dart, fertile the soil for cultivation.

A slow smile spreading on his lips as Bright solved the puzzle of his feelings.... he understood every single piece of own emotion..... he understood about his concern for Win, why he wants to stay beside him in all ups and downs .... He understood his unknown feelings.... This feeling has a name.... and he craved for it since his mother died. No one loved him neither he loved anyone... he even hated his father. Right now, he realized that he didn't even love or like Luke or his father. He just went with the flow and enjoyed their attention. He realized that he has been searching of true love like any other person, but his arrogant rebellious nature didn't allow to realize it. Now he got what he wanted. A beautiful feeling spreads through his whole body, overflowing his heart before filled his soul. He feels anew, he feels reborn; his heart which filled with some negative thoughts moments ago, now filled with hope and happiness. overwhelming by emotion, he stood there at balcony God knows how long. Elina bid him bye and Milane remind him about the meeting tomorrow.... All he listens with trance.

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