Chapter Two. Living and Deceased

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⚠️TW⚠️ Mentions of Ra-e, graphic gore, mentioned death, childhood trauma, mentioned sui-ide and internationalized homophobia

If you notice any TW I missed please tell me.
Notes at the end.

His voice mocks me from the grave, reminding me I'll never live up to fathers expectations. Mother would have agreed. I have turned out to be a disappointment. A stupid gay disappointment. I'll never be good enough for them will I?

My walk through town was filled with corpses and pain. Not a single survivor was found today but I am still searching. I want to save them, to prove myself. I just want to be enough and this has to be how. My life is less than others and I know this, so if I can save a life then I'll finally be given purpose. I'll be free from this stupid curse and I'll live my father's dream!

"Like that'll ever happen." His voice called out. My body shook as I felt his spirit enter my body. I tried to speak, but I felt him tear at my vocal chords. The force on my neck caused me to lose my breath. He wasn't going to let me be heard.

Just like dad.

"Your words mean nothing you stupid-" His voice was cut off by something unknown. The strain on my neck vanished as he did.

I fell to my knees holding my neck as I gasped for air. No voices or spirits remained in my mind. I finally got my breath back and continued my trudge through town. A long day ahead of me. Hopefully whatever got him doesn't come back for me.

"Why are you even alive?" A voice called out to me. Ryan.

"I have a right to live too ya know." I replied bored of his daily taunts.

"Dad would disagree with you." He said, matching my tone. He was right. As much as I like to pretend, I'm not worth the air I breathe. All because I can't find girls attractive.

"Why don't you just kill yourself so dad can have a son he wants." Ryan remarked, words filled with venom as he spoke.

"Even if I did, mums dead. He wouldn't be able to have another kid anyways." I replied meekly. I was right, but I killed mum. Died having me. The very curse that plagued our perfect family.

"He can find a better wife. That way the kid won't be a stupid f----."

If only he was wrong...

"Five minutes until dusk." I said aloud. No one answered, but that's obvious. I took out one of my flashlights and continued my treck through town. I hate having to travel through town at night but I'll make better ground this way. I watched the sun lower itself behind the horizon and the moon raised behind me. And with the moon came the monsters.

Growling, scratching, screaming. They feasted on the corpses of the living and deceased. Hat Men stared as my feet crossed the concrete. Voices of the friends mocked me as I walked. They knew they couldn't attack me. Not while I had the light.

Carefully treading through the darkened streets, I held my light tighter. The moon was always full, meaning you could see the monsters devouring people. Alive and deceased. Watching the light leave their eyes is the worst possible feeling to strike me. I could have saved them. I failed them too. One day I'll be worthy of my name. Maybe then my mother will look down and see a son she wants. Maybe I'll never be enough, but one life saved would never be enough to prove my worth. I'll never be worthy of the family name.


Through the pain I heard a cry for help. I look to see a young girl, cornered by a friend.

'She's still alive' I think to myself as I run to the creature and the girl. Before the creature could lunge at her, I pointed my light at it. It's back sizzled as my light attacked it. This wasn't a normal shadow. Most certainly not a friend. This was a guardian.

I leaped back as the guardian pounced at me. I took my light and struck it over the head in hopes of doing some damage. As I thought, it went right through. The guardian then grabbed my hand and flung me to the concrete in front of the girl. I could now see her features clearly. Hazel brown hair and what seemed to be lilac eyes. Her dress was a pale purple and she was carrying a pink bunny plush. My sight started to blur as I hit the ground. The guardian then tore at my already injured arm as I let out a howl of pain. The stinging. It burns. Is this how I die? No. I can't die here. I felt the guardian tear at my leg now. The searing pain lingered as it bit into my leg. The pain was killing me. I couldn't even protect one kid. I'm sorry little one. I'm sorry. I'm so...

Suddenly, it stopped. The wounds still hurt, but I could feel the teeth exit my leg. I tried to open my eyes but to no luck. I could barely squint. I saw an outline of a girl with raven hair. I felt my eyes shut, then passed out.

"So, you actually found someone desperate enough to fuck you?" His voice mocked.

"And a girl at that!" He laughed at me while tears marked my face. I didn't want her to. She did it herself even after I said no. He just wouldn't listen.

"Your still a --- but hey you got some neden!" He slapped my back as if it were a good thing I was taken advantage of.

I wish I was dead.

As I sat up, both girls looked at me. I started pushing myself backwards in a panic. The older one carefully followed me.

"You're safe. Jesus." She said in a gruff voice. I felt myself coming back. 'Just a bad dream.' I thought to myself, coming back to reality.

"That little girl you protected- well, tried to- is Abbey, the stuffed toy is Snuffleupagus, and I'm Jamie." Jamie said as my mind came back to reality.

"Jim Rubik, most just call me Sheriff though." I replied still shocked to see survivors.

"I'm guessing you're looking for the dreamland right?" Jamie questioned. My face lit like a candle.

"Yes! Do you know where it is?" I shouted in excitement. Jamie backed up and Abbey covered her ears.

"Jesus man shut up! It's to the right of here. You'll find a broken bridge but you can use a car to jump it, or even jump it yourself." Jamie said. I almost ran in that direction but realized that I had forgotten the most important thing.

"Thank you Jamie! Thank you Abbey!" I shouted before I continued to run in that direction.

"You're welcome." Abbey shouted back. Jamie stayed silent.

I don't want to think they set me up, but it was a thought.

I want to think this is the right decision.

Heloooo! It is I. The sleep deprived possum with odd hyperfixations. This chapter hurt to write. I'm hoping for some fluff soon but I'll be giving you some more angst until then. Please hydrate yourselves and do as I don't and sleep. Love yall platonically!

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