BONUS! A Very Merry Christmas

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TW⚠️ Slight Smut (orange if your still using the citrus scale) swearing  drinking and Mary Thornbridge because she needs her own warning.

This is a Christmas Special that will hopefully come out before my next chapter, as that's almost done. The chapter is scheduled for the 26th right before I leave for vacation, so enjoy the two chapters I publish this week/ Christmas.

Edit! This did not come out before Christmas.

Stockings, lights, open fire and eggnog. A lovely display that just screams capitalism. Now if it wasn't Christmas, I'd tear it down. But because of Ryan, Jim, Max, Cali and the others, I'll refrain from said action.
Somehow, both Max and Jim ended up beneath the mistletoe. Ryan and Alex were making cookies and the doctor was writing his daily log, explaining his Christmas.
"So Sula, you gonna just monolog our Christmas or are you gonna join us?" I heard Jim ask. I knew he was just trying to prolong kissing Max, but I am not one to play into his game.
"Well, I could do that all night but I won't. You can also stall all night, but that won't help anything." I replied. They seemed flustered but I didn't understand why. They care for eachother, that's what I've come to understand. Most would be happy in this situation, but it seems not. Maybe I'm not seeing this right. Too many bright lights and way too much capitalism.
"Cookies are done!" Ryan said, walking out in a pastel pink apron with the words 'fuck the cook' written in white. He was also wearing really cute bunny oven mitts. Abigail probably gave him those. Speaking of her, she was playing chess with Katani while Apocalipsis and Jamie watched. It seems Abigail is winning. No surprise.
It also seems Alexander was done with baking. He was covered in icing sugar and flour I think. I can't tell from such a distance. The doctor finished his log and seemed to put up a wreath. Why? I don't know and I really couldn't care.
Namuruku and Namishiro are coloring in the books that the doctor got them, meanwhile Daisy and Sparrow are taking shots. At a target.

In our fucking living room.

"Can't you two take your guns outside?" I asked. Daisy spun her head back and Sparrow actually turned around.
"Snowed in. So even if we wanted to we couldn't." Sparrow answered. Daisy just nodded. I can't stop them so I might as well find something else to do. Maybe I'll watch the new chess match between Jamie and Katani.
Or maybe I'll watch the MariKar match with Su, Bp, Max and Jim. Oh yeah, I guess those two kissed finally. Must have happened while I wasn't looking.
"Say Sula, why not join us?" I heard a familiar voice call.
Cali and Cynnok, Ryan was there too. They were playing Apologies and needed another player. Sure. Why not?
The moment I tried to sit down, I was pushed away by some very familiar vines.
"Coming throoooough. Sorry Sula dear but they want someone who can actually communicate." Mary said. Oh well. I need to give Ryan's cookies a try anyways.
"Mary you didn't even get an invite why are you here." I heard Ryan say. He's right, Duncan and Mary didn't get invites, in fact we made a point of keeping them out. Whatever. As long as Duncan stays out I'm good. I went into the kitchen to see Lucy and Ceilia eating the cookies Ryan made and talking to Valley-Claire about fashion. I decided to join them.
"Hey Sula! Love the Christmas sweater! Needs more blues and pinks dearie!" Valley-Claire said impulsively.  She was right. The sweater was from the doctor, and all it said was 'I'm a ho ho ho.' In white words. The 'Ho Ho Ho' lit up and the backdrop lacked pinks and blues. More reds and greens.

"Well clearly Wigman has no colour coordination. Maybe he's colorblind."

"Speaking of him, where is he anyways? He's been gone for thirty minutes." I asked, not bothering to give Ceilia any more reason to make fun of the doc.

" Probably with Brutux, they both enjoy their own Christmas traditions. Maybe the same ones from prison."
Lucy said.
She chuckled and Ceilia spit out her eggnog. Valley-Claire seemed to laugh with Lucy and at Ceilia.
"I hadn't read about a Christmas tradition in my father's journal. Is this new?" I asked. Lucy looked at both Valley-Claire and Ceilia then tried to answer. Only to be interrupted by Sparrow.
"She means Christmas fucking. They used to fuck on Christmas every year in that musty ass cell. Unfortunately I was their cell mate for a year." He said. I see why my father didn't write that. I wouldn't of either. Well not to bother with it.

I'll just add more rum to my eggnog.

                 < Two Hours Later>

     I don't feel so sober right now, maybe I should have cut myself off. I started to waver and almost fell, if it wasn't for Ryan.
"Aaaand you're cut off Sula." Ryan said, holding me in his arms. He felt warm, warmer than usual. Comfortable. Very comfortable. Everything is foggy and confusing, but in a good way. My body is reacting to his touch in an odd way. Maybe it's the alcohol? I don't know. After maybe five minutes I was in a room with Ryan. He had placed me in bed and sat in a chair across the room. I was confused to say the least. Why wasn't he beside me?
"Try and get some sleep okay? I'll talk to you tomorrow." He said. Maybe he doesn't want to deal with my drunk ass. I don't blame him.
"Night Roomba."
"Night Salty."

Hello again it is I with a really late Christmas chapter. And really late chapter-chapter. I've been dealing with stuff recently so my chapters will probably be delayed. Have mercy. I hope to get the next chapter out soon buy I promise nothing. Also some lore about Sula and The Doctor may be dropped.
Anyhow enjoy your break while it lasts and I hope to see you next time my beloved readers!
Possum Out!

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