Chapter Five. Mister Rat

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TW: Past trauma, swearing
If I missed any please tell me.
Notes at the end like always <3

I like to think I can sleep after all that. Three years in hell can take a toll on your health. I was rarely able to catch a wink of sleep since the monsters were attracted to sleep. Many times I was able to sleep surrounded by lights, but even then, it would be one night every five days. Somehow I survived. Sleeping is just one of those things I won't be able to do for a couple years I guess.

"Why are you still up, Sheriff?" I heard Shooter from the side of the bed. He ended up sleeping on the ground for some reason. I would have given him the bed but he wouldn't budge. I gave a tired chuckle as I sat up to see him on the end of the bed.

"It's not really that easy. You should know this Shooter." I mentioned. He shrugged.

"I slept like a baby my first night here. Now lay down. It'll help the healing process." He said. I guess he was only there a year or two, so that explains it. He stared at me and waited for me to fall asleep so he could go back to bed.

"Do you want a bedtime story?" He asked sarcastically. I could tell he was, and I couldn't sleep.

"That might actually help." I mentioned. He started to laugh, and so did I. He knew I was being serious, and that's why it was even funnier. Soon enough, our laughter had died down.

"Okay, okay. I'll try my best to tell this story."

Years ago, a team of warriors had formed. Complete strangers had teamed up. Only one thing held them together, the longing for a safe world. These warriors fought tooth and nail to save our planet back then, so long ago. Everyday the team grew into an army, an army made to save our world from things beyond our wildest dreams. What started as five, grew to over five thousand. The original five were known by name across all five thousand men and women. They were respected and untouched.

The explosives expert Kabooki, The artist Cicada, The gunman Snipe, The strongman Houndblood and the Leader Destiny. They have saved the world, now it's our turn.

"Ain't that right Sheriff?" Shooter asked quietly, but he was already sleeping. Shooter smiled as he laid at the foot of the bed. Even if his feet hung off, it was better than the floor.

The sun had started to show from over the horizon as I woke up. The same nightmare had brought me to rise. My body hurt much less today, and I didn't have a headache. I looked around the room, just to find Shooter on the foot of the bed. Feet on the ground, arms spread out, snoring.

"You do NOT sleep gracefully." I said, chuckling. One of his eyes had opened, then he panicked and fell off the bed. I couldn't contain my laughter and neither could he.

"Don't scare me like that!" He tried to say through his laughter. I was trying to calm down but he just kept laughing.

"Now THAT was graceful." I said as we calmed down. Then it was right back to the laughter.

Laughter is quite contagious.

After the laughter actually died down, Shooter went to grab some food for the two of us. He didn't bring me because he wanted to eat before he carried me around all day. I tried to negotiate walking, but once again, he wouldn't budge. At least he lets me sit up now.

"Wooow. You actually survived the night. Maybe if you weren't surrounded by lavender and sage I'd be impressed." A voice called to me.

"Aw for fuck sakes. Ryan, can you just go bother someone else?!" I shouted at the dark figure in the middle of the room. He looked at me as if I just committed a murder, then proceeded to pull his usual shit.

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