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We joined Sam at the school, who looked beyond relieved. He was hold court with a few giggling high school girls. Dean and I laughed before getting out of the car. Composing ourselves, we walked up to Sam just as the girls walked away.

“Took you long enough,” Sam said clearly annoyed.

“What’s the matter Sammy,” Dean asked. “Can’t handle a couple of school girls?”

“Shut up.”

The bell rang for lunch and students poured out of the school. Not knowing where to start, we headed to a place called Mystic Grill for a bite to eat.

Sitting in an empty booth, I looked around, careful we wouldn’t be heard. The two guys from the convertible were at the bar.

I elbowed Dean, who was sitting next to me in the booth and eyed the guys.

“What about it?” he asked looking at the guys.

“Wait here. I don’t trust them,” I said and strode over to the bar, sitting next to the light haired guy.

“What can I get for you?” the bartender asked.

“Sam Adams, bottle,” I said causing the two men to look at me.

“What?” I asked and did my best to blush.

The dark haired one spoke first. “I’d think you were more of a Cosmo type girl.”

I laughed. “Clearly you can’t take things at face value,” I warned.

“Hm,” the dark haired guy said and swallowed a sip of what looked to be bourbon or whiskey.

“Sorry about him,” the sandy haired man said. “I’m Alaric. That’s Damon.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Agent Joplin, FBI,” I said taking out my badge. Damon visibly stiffened.

“What’s the FBI doing in our little town?” Alaric asked.

I shrugged. “Have you guys heard about the animal attacks out by the lake?”

“Nope,” Damon said obnoxiously and got up. “I need to pick up Elena. Talk to you later Ric. Ms. FBI,” he said and had to audacity to take my hand and kiss the back of it.

I tried to stay calm but I needed to tell Sam and Dean.

“Well. Excuse me Alaric. Nice to meet you. If you can think of anything, please call me,” I said giving him my card and brushing his hand on purpose.

“Will do Agent. Pleasure to meet you.”

I walked calmly over to Sam and Dean and sat down.

“So what’s the verdict?” Sam asked.

I took a swig from my beer. “They said they don’t know anything, which is bullshit. And the dark haired one, Damon. He’s a vampire.”

“What?” they both said at once.

“How can you tell?” Sam asked.

“When he kissed my hand, his hands and lips were cold.”

Dean’s jaw ticked.

“Maybe he was just cold,” Sam offered.

“No one’s that cold,” I said. “Especially after a glass of bourbon.”

“Do you think there’s a nest?” Sam asked.

“Doubtful. How many vampires do you know that can walk around in the sun?” I asked. “If there are more, they are hiding in plain sight.”

“Great,” Dean said. “So what are we supposed to do? Let everyone kiss Ali’s hand and see if they’re cold?”

“Jealous?” I asked elbowing him and laughing.

“Please,” Dean said.

“In any case,” I continued, “I think maybe I should hang around that Alaric guy, see what he knows.”

Dean’s jaw ticked again. “I don’t like the idea. He could lead you right into a nest. Maybe he’s a vampire wannabe, luring unsuspecting women to their deaths,” he said raising his eyebrows.

“Dean’s right Ali,” Sam said. “It could be a trap.”

I shrugged. “I’ve been in worse situations.”

Sam and Dean exchanged looks.

“Fine.” Dean said shortly. “What’s our move?”

“You guys find out more about the 12 people without hearts. Leave Alaric to me.”

Sam and Dean got up and walked out of the Grill sticking me with the check.

I walked up to the bar with the money and stood next to Alaric.

“You know,” he said looking at me. He was very handsome. “You don’t look like an FBI agent.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You should,” he said smiling. “Look, I don’t know how long you will be here but would you like to join me for dinner?”

To say I was surprised was an understatement.

“Feel free to say no,” he said when I didn’t answer right away.

“Oh sorry. I would love to Alaric,”

“Call me Ric. So you aren’t involved with one of the other agents I saw you with?”

I laughed. “No. Agent Perry and Agent Tyler and I are just associates, almost friends. They’ve been at this longer than I have.”

“Really? You seem like the take charge one,” Ric said.

“Thanks. I’m more of the go with my gut type.”

“Shoot first, think later,” Ric said smiling.

“You could say that,” I said thinking how dead on he was.

“So what time shall I pick you up? It’s actually a Founder’s party up at the Lockwood mansion.”

“Oh I don’t think I have anything to wear to that. All I have are suits…and I won’t know anyone.”

Alaric stood up. “You’ll know me. And Damon, sort of. There’s a place in town where you can get a dress…on me,” he said pulling out a 100 dollar bill.

I wouldn’t have it. “I can pay for my own dress, but thanks. I’ll come on one condition.” I said.

“What’s that?” Ric asked cocking an eyebrow.

“If the party sucks, we leave.”

“Deal,” Ric said and shook my hand. It was warm, for which I was glad.

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