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Ric picked me up at the motel. I had a small artillery in my large purse. Holy water, stakes, matches and the knife Dean gave me. I was virtually demon proof. Now to see if I was Damon proof.

"What are you thinking about?" Ric asked when I had been quiet for a while. He put his hand on my jean covered knee.

I smiled. I had been going over how I would explain to him that I was a hunter. So far nothing.

"Just how nice it is to be able to be myself with someone," I could practically hear Dean gag, if Cas mentioned it, which I was sure he had.

Ric took my hand and kissed it. He flipped it over and that's when he saw the scar, the one where I had taken a straight razor to my wrists after my mother died. The same scar that was a sign of how Sam and Dean saved me.

I pulled my hand away from him. Thankfully he didn't pry. I was grateful for my 3 quarter length sleeves because I had other scars all over my arms from battling demons and what not. Those I would explain later.

We got to the Grill and Ric opened my door, giving me his hand. He smiled warmly.

Inside we sat at a table in a corner "away from all the kids," he said.

It seemed like it was the only place in town. Damon was playing pool with Elena, Jeremy and Bonnie. Caroline and Tyler were sitting with Stefan and Rebekah. Klaus was alone at the bar staring murderously at Tyler.

"I know it's kind of lame with my students here..."

I laughed. "I'm not here to see them, I'm here to see you."

Ric smiled again and I marveled at just how handsome he was. We had just ordered drinks and our food when Damon came over with Elena. "You guys want to shoot some pool?"

Ric looked at me. "I'm all set. Thank you though."

"Aww, alone time," Damon said and Ric threw a napkin at him.

We ate dinner and Ric told me about how he became a history teacher and also that he was married previously but she had passed.

"I'm so sorry," I said putting my hand on Ric's. "That's an interesting ring," I said noticing a ring I hadn't before.

"This ugly thing?" Ric laughed. "Family heirloom."

"That's sweet, you're a very sentimental guy."

Ric smiled. "So tell me more about Ali."

We had just got the check. Now or never Woods, I said to myself.

"Hey, Mr. Saltzman," came a voice that belonged to Jeremy Gilbert. "Do you have a minute?"

I shrugged. "Go ahead."

Jeremy asked about a project he was working on for class.

I took this time to look around. Four vamps and 2 hybrids. I would definitely need backup if I...

"Ready? Ric asked me breaking me out of my thoughts.

I nodded. Ric placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me out his car.

"Where to?" he asked and I could hear the hopefulness in his voice.

"How about your place?"

We no sooner closed the door then our lips met feverishly. I threaded my fingers in his hair and let my tongue explore his mouth while he explored mine.

He laid me down on the couch and put his hands up my shirt over my bra. I pulled off my shirt, then his. He stayed in shape and had amazing pecs and abs. His lips descended on my neck, down to my breasts and he unhooked my bra.

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