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A few days later my sister showed up to go dress shopping. She had taken off a few days from UVA where she was a senior. Lesley and I looked like complete opposites. She had light brown hair and tanned skin, where as I had dark hair and pale skin.

After meeting Ric, she and I went to the Mystic Grill.

"Did Dean give you his necklace?" she asked eyeing it.

"Are you crazy? He had one made just like it."

"Why are you two not together," Lesley deadpanned.

I took a sip of my soda. "Yeah right. Dean's Dean. He's just....I don't know...different."

Lesley gave me a knowing smile. "I knew it. You have feelings for him."

I looked around the bar and saw Damon. I knew I couldn't tell her anything without him hearing.

"Yeah like I have feelings for a dog," I joked but winked at Lesley. She took the hint.

I told her about Ric's friends. She took it at face value because of my line of work.

"Hello ladies," I heard and looking up saw Damon. Out of all of Ric's friends, he bugged me the most.

"Damon," I said. "This is my sister Lesley. Les this is Ric's best man Damon."

"Enchanted," Damon said kissing Lesley's hand. She didn't even blush. She was a hardass like me.

"Nice to meet you Damon. I guess we will be walking together then?"

Damon gave her a winning smile. "Absolutely."

"Great," Les said. "Damon we have some girl stuff to discuss if you don't mind giving us a moment?"

I nearly coughed up my drink at the look on Damon's face.

"Have a good time shopping," he said and left.

"Ugh, he's obnoxious," Les said.

"You know it."

The door opened and Elena and Caroline came in. After spending time with them I decided to ask them to be bridesmaids. Caroline nearly squeezed the life out of me when I asked.

"Hey ladies," I said when they came to the table. Les switched sides to sit next to me while Caroline and Elena sat across from us.

"You must be Ali's sister," Caroline said in an excited voice. "You look nothing alike."

Les and I laughed. "We get that a lot."

"I'm so excited to go dress shopping," Elena said. "Thank you for asking us to be in your wedding."

"No problem," I said. In truth I only wanted it to be Lesley. I didn't have any real girlfriends since I hung out with hunters. But when Ric said he wanted Damon, Jeremy and Stefan I had to find someone. I chose Caroline because she was the closest thing I had to a girlfriend. I also chose Elena because of how close she and Ric were.

"So, we ready to shop?" Caroline said.

"As I'll ever be," I said.

Not only were we looking for their dresses, we were looking for mine.

"Oh come on, it'll be great," Caroline said excitedly.

Les and I gave each other a look and headed out.

Once we got to Loren's bridal, the sales ladies took over, for which I was grateful.

"So what style are you looking for?" the lady asked me.

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