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Saturday found everyone in a bad mood. Sam couldn't find any lore on me being a witch, which he thought would give us an advantage. Dean was still pissed about our yelling match and Cas had yet to show up.

I sat in the back of the Impala and watched as the trees became thicker and I could see the shimmering of the lake in the background.

Dean parked the Impala on the side of the road and we headed into the woods. None of us were in suits, but we brought our badges just in case.

"This is where the bodies were found," Sam said.

I bent down. "There's still blood on the leaves." I picked one up. "Vampires," I said then turned to the guys. "They were vampires, sort of. They must've been those hybrids that Cas mentioned. What?" I asked.

"You've always been right and now this? Ali, are you sure you're not witch?" Sam asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I can't exactly ask my parents," I said softly.

"Ali, I'm sorry..." Sam started.

I held up my hand. "It's fine. We've all lost someone to these demons. My mom wasn't the last. Anyway..."

"She's not a witch," Cas said as he appeared right next to me.

"See, told you," I said triumphantly.

"She's an empath," Cas stated.

I gaped at him.

"A what?" Dean asked.

"An empath. She's highly sensitive to emotions. Empaths experience life through intuition. That's why it seems like she knows things before you, because she does."

"How do you know?" I asked Cas.

"Because your mother was an empath, she just never knew it."

I nodded. All the talk about my mother was getting to me.

"Can we talk about something else," I asked.

"Of course," Cas said.

"Ali said the blood on these leaves are from a hybrid," Dean said changing the subject.

"Let me see them," Cas said. He took them in his hands. "Vampire/werewolf."

"And how do we kill a hybrid?" Sam asked.

"The same way these died. We rip out their hearts."

"This place is quickly becoming a nonstory," Dean complained as we drove to the house where the council members lost their lives.

"How can you think that?" I asked him. "We have two hybrids, a bunch of vamps and a witch hanging around."

"Yeah but they don't seem to be bothering anyone," Sam said.

"Sammy, they're vamps, we kill vamps, it's what we do. If we take out some hybrids, even better," Dean said.

"Ali, what do you think?"

"I think there is a lot more to this town than we think. I mean, last night there was this hybrid, Klaus, who was perfectly friendly with the mayor yet Ric wanted to rip his head off."

"Oh so because Ric doesn't like him..." Sam said.

"No," I said. "Because a hybrid is that close to the mayor and her son in one too. She has to know. And if she knows, who else knows and why don't they care?"

"Do you think good old Ric knows?" Dean asked.

I thought. "I guess I'll find out tonight . We have a date."

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