The date

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“Where did that come from?” Dean asked of my dress. It was red, short, fit and fare with a fifties vibe.

“Modcloth, there’s a store downtown,” I explained.

Dean and Sam eyed me appreciatively. “Why are you so dressed up?” Dean asked.

“I have a date.”

“What?” Sam asked.

“With who?” Dean asked.

I laughed. “You guys are like protective Dad’s or something. So cute,” I said pinching their cheeks.

I continued to put on my nude heels and cover up my ankle tattoo.

“So, who is he?” Sam asked calmly.

“Alaric Saltzman.”

“The guy from the bar?” Dean asked.

I rolled my eyes, “Yes. I told you I would get close to him and find out what he knows.”

“And how are you planning on doing that?” Dean asked clearly angry. “Just up and ask him or wait until you are having sex?”

I saw red. I got up and belted Dean across the face.

“How dare you? You sleep with half the country and I go on one date and I’m a whore? Fuck you Dean.”

I grabbed my new purse and walked out the door. Two minutes later the blue convertible I saw before drove up.

Alaric got out. “Sorry, do you mind carpooling?”

I shrugged. “Not at all.”

“You look gorgeous,” Ric said as I hopped into the back with him. There was a beautiful brunette in the front with Damon.

“Oh sorry. Ali, this is Elena Gilbert. Elena, this is Ali Joplin.”

“Nice to meet you,” she said smiling and offered her hand. It was ice cold.

“You too,” I managed.

Great, I thought, I’m in a car with 2 vampires and my date is either oblivious or he knows. My gut was saying the latter.

Abe 10 minutes of idle chit chat later, I knew that Elena had a brother named Jeremy, Damon had a brother named Stefan and Alaric was a history teacher. They managed to pry out of me that I had a younger sister.

We pulled up in front of a white sprawling mansion.

“Wow,” I said in spite of myself. The place was enormous and the grounds were even more impressive. Every surface had some sort of flower arrangement on it.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Ric whispered in my ear causing goose bumps to explode on my arms.

Elena took my hand. “Come meet some friends,” she said sweetly.

She brought me over to meet a group of people. After they all complimented each other on their choice of outfits, Elena introduced me.

“Everyone, this is Ric’s date Ali,” she said.

“Hi,” I said shyly. Public outings were not my thing.

“This is Bonnie,” she said of a beautiful caramel skinned girl in a green dress. We shook hands. Her hand was not only warm, it was uncomfortably so.

“Caroline,” a blond in a sky blue dress with cold hands.

“Jeremy, my little brother,” Elena said.

“Give me a break Elena,” he said and shook my hand. Normal temperature.

At least there is one human, I thought.

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