the end

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The next day dawned with Elena saying, "Ali, it's time to get up. Wedding Day."

I drew my covers over my head. "Go away."

"Oh come on Ali," Caroline tried. "You get to wear your dress."

I still wasn't coming out.

"I've got this," I heard Lesley say. "You get to see the guys today."

I smiled under my covers and threw off the sheets.

"Didn't think of that one," Elena said.

"Eih, it's a gift," Lesley said.

I got up, showered and went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was already there in various states of dress. Stefan was the only one who had eaten and was dressed.

"Here comes the bride," Damon said. "If you don't move it you're going to be late and I don't want to be the one to tell Ric."

"Shut up Damon," I said grabbing a bagel and toasting it. Once it had its cream cheese I sat at the table with a diet coke.

"What?" I asked when everyone but Lesley gave me a look.

"Diet coke for breakfast?" Caroline said.

"What did you expect? It gives me energy and I don't need to know what you had for breakfast."

"Point taken," she shrugged.

After breakfast we all went upstairs to get ready. The first thing I did was put the things I might need in the pockets. Lesley came in and helped me take it down from the door where it was hanging. I got on my undergarments and stepped into the dress. It fit perfectly and I loved the small shoulder strap. It made me feel a little more secure that it wouldn't fall off.

"Oh my God, you look beautiful," Elena cried.

She and Caroline had gotten into their dresses.

"I'll go get dressed," Lesley said leaving the room.

Caroline was doing everyone's hair. She did mine in soft waves that I wore half up with a sparkly clip. I decided to forego the veil. My sister came back in as Caroline was doing Elena's hair.

"Oh sis," Lesley said. "You really look stunning. Ric's a lucky guy."

My eyes teared up.

"No! Mascara!" Caroline yelled forcing me to laugh.

We all came downstairs with me in the back. The boys faces lit up.

"You ladies look lovely," Damon said.

"And Ali," he whistled.

I smiled. I felt like the belle of the ball.

The photographer was outside the house waiting for us. He took a few pictures as we came out of the house and got into the limo.

"Are you nervous?" Lesley asked.

"A little," I lied. I was petrified.

"Hey it could be worse," Lesley said. "You could be walking with Damon."

"You wound me," Damon said putting his hand on his chest.

Lesley rolled her eyes. "You'll live, or, you know..."

Everyone laughed.

The guys were dropped off on the side of the church to meet with Ric. The girls were dropped in front. It was a beautiful sunny day.

"Ladies," I heard Sam say. He held the door as they walked in. "Lesley, how are you?" he asked.

I lagged back and let them be alone. I was standing in the middle of the stairs.

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