𖣘𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𖣘

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𖣘𖣘𖣘𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𖣘𖣘𖣘

"QUINNNNN!" I jumped at the loud noise, hitting my head against my bed frame as I did so. "Ow! Fuck!" I rubbed my head and looked around. Steve ran into the room. "Have you seen my car keys?" He asked. "Have I seen your car keys?" I repeated, looking my older brother dead in the eyes. "Don't be an ass have you seen them or not?" He sighed. "If I have I wouldn't remember, I just woke up." I shrugged, putting my head back down in my pillow. "Thanks for the help." Steve muttered as he closed the door.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I quickly got dressed and stepped back into my room. I was about to open my door when it flung open. "Fuck!" I yelled as the door hit my toe.
"Shit! Sorry!" I looked up to see a red headed girl in front of me. I recognised her from a few of my classes. Her name was Max, Max Mayfield, if I remembered correctly. "Hey your Quinn from my maths and English classes." She said, taking a second to look at me. "Yeah." I nodded, biting my lip from the pain that was radiating from the toe she had brutally crashed my door into.

"Fancy seeing you here, well over the summer holidays." She said. "Yeah, fancy seeing you here too...in my house." I said. "Max! Come on Steve found his car keys!" Another boy I had noticed in school appeared behind the girl. "Oh hey! You're Quinn Moore right?" The curly haired boy questioned. I gave him a small nod of confirmation. "Dustin Henderson." He smiled, shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you." I smiled, still a little confused as to why school kids were over to see my brother.

"Me, Max and a few others are taking a lift from Steve to explore the forest, wanna join us?" Dustin invited. I took a second to think and weigh out my options. Stay in and do nothing all day? or go out and have some fun with some kids my age? "Yeah sure I'll come with." I decided. "Cool let's go!" Dustin smiled happily as he went downstairs. "Sorry about your toe, again." Max apologised. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure I'll survive." I said, offering her a friendly smile. She smiled back.

As we got into the car, a boy with ridiculous dark hair turned to me. "Um- who's this?" He questioned with a hint of annoyance. "This is Quinn." Dustin introduced me. The kid clearly wasn't satisfied with the answer, he just glared at me. "She's my sister, Mike." Steve said from the driver's seat. "Didn't know you had a sister?" A shorter boy commented. "Yeah I'm full of surprises!" Steve said in a fake excitement.

Steve let us out by the edge of the forest. "Behave yourself, and Quinn, get home without a bruise today? Please?" Steve added, turning his attention to me. "No promises." I smiled. He rolled his eyes before driving off. "So where should we start?" A kid I recognised from the basketball team questioned, I was certain his name was Lucas from the amount of times I had heard it shouted across the court. "Ummm," The shorter kid took a second to swing his arm around wildly. "How about that direction?" He suggested.

"That's really not a sufficient way to figure out a way to go, Will." Mike sighed. "Yeah but it's a fun way." I said, already not liking his attitude. "I think Quinn should pick where we go, since she's new to the group." Lucas stated. Everyone hummed in agreement other than Mike who just had to be different. "She's not part of the group! She just invited herself and now we have to deal with it!" He huffed. "Mike don't be rude!" A girl who was clinging to his arm spoke. The smartest guess would be that this girl was his girlfriend but I couldnt see why anyone would want to date Mike.

"She seems cool, I'm sure she'll be fine in the group." Dustin spoke up. "I'm just saying we all just met her and you just want to add her to the group straight away!" Mike exclaimed. "Fucking hell Mike, don't get pissy about it!" Max scoffed. "Let's just go, Quinn what direction?" Will asked me quietly. I started walking in a random direction. I could tell from the way Mike went out of his way to crack sticks under his feet that he wasn't happy I had gotten my way. To be honest I didn't really care where we went or who led the group, I just liked seeing how annoyed he was over nothing.

I pushed away a few low hanging branches and stepped over a few roots that had been slightly pulled up from the ground. My jaw dropped as I looked up. "Holy. shit." Max gasped.
"Woah! Mike look at this! Quinn just hit the mother-load of things to find!" Dustin called. "Damn! Good find Quinn!" Lucas patted my shoulder as we all spread out so everyone could see what I had discovered. "Wow!" The other girl smiled. I could see that Mike was trying to his is amazement, which was very amusing. I looked away from him and started walking towards my discovery.

"Careful, that thing looks like it's about to fall apart." Lucas warned as I stepped closer. "Well at least it would be a cool death." I joked, reaching out to run my fingers against the structure. Chipped paint flaked off and fell slowly to the ground. I wiped my hands on my jeans and turned my head to look beyond it. "Holy shit there's more!" I exclaimed.

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