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𝙼𝚊𝚡'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅:
We had been in the hospital for almost three hours now. We were able to get away with saying we had been messing around in the abandoned factory when some things collapsed and landed on Quinn while she was laying down. Somehow the doctors had bought the lie and rushed Quinn to urgent care. My wounds had been dealt with 'an accident of someone accidentally cutting me as they moved the rubble off Quinn'.

I heard footsteps coming from urgent care and quickly looked up. I was only met with disappointment as I spotted Mike. El ran over and hugged him, though he quickly pushed her away, holding his ribs. El quickly apologised and hugged him a lot less tighter. I looked back down and continued to fiddle with my hands. I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder and I looked up. Steve gave me a small smile which I half-heartedly returned. "She'll be fine. She's my sister, she'll come out of there cracking jokes and a smile on her face." He told me softly.

I just nodded, I was too anxious to give verbal responses to anyone. Too scared they would hear the shake in my voice. "Steve Harrington, could you come with me please?" I heard a nurse ask. Steve shook my shoulder lightly before getting up and following the nurse down the hall and out of view. My anxiety only increased. Why did they need Steve? Was there complications? Was Steve called to say his last goodbyes? My head raced with thoughts, each worse and more exaggerated than the last.

I heard everyone start murmuring and whispering, no doubt about Quinn. It was pissing me off slightly that they would just whisper and talk about her like that. She was in extreme pain right now and they just gossiped about their theories on what had happened with the Pact Devil. "I don't get why the Pact Devil chose them, they're the most random people to choose!" Mike attempted a whisper, failing miserably since just about everyone in the group heard it.

"Mike shut up!" I exclaimed. Silence.
"What?" Mike furrowed his brows at me.
"I said shut up! That's not important right now! Quinn could be dead right now and all your worried about is why she was possessed?" I demanded. "I don't think I'm dead- thanks though, Max." My heart skipped a beat as I heard the voice. "Quinn!" I jumped out of my seat and ran over to the girl. "Yeah no, wouldn't hug me if I were you- broken ribs-" Quinn laughed slightly. It amazed me how she could laugh something like that off.

"Right- I'll just kiss you then. When we're back home that is." I added, looking around at the nurses, doctors and other staff members walking around. "Sounds good to me." Quinn smiled happily. "How are you feeling?" Dustin asked her. "Great, I mean I did just have literal talons rip through my body but yeah, fine." Quinn answered sarcastically. "Yeah, my bad, that's as a bad question to ask." Dustin apologised. "It's fine, don't worry." Quinn giggled.

"Right we're good to go!" Steve grinned, walking over to us after speaking with a doctor and nurse. "Great- the doctor talking to smelt funny." Quinn wrinkled her nose, making me smile to myself. I adored seeing her back to her normal self so quickly. "You are staying in bed though, they've put you on bed rest for six weeks." Steve warned Quinn. "We'll that sucks- how am i gonna beat Mike's ass now?" Quinn gasped. "I'll do it for you." I told her.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
"Hey!" Mike exclaimed, looking at the two of us. We all burst out into laughter. "Crap! No can't laugh." Quinn wheezed our her pain.

We got into Steve's car, a lot carefully than normal. We pulled up to his house and Will helped Quinn out the car. We headed up to Quinn's room so she could start her bed rest straight away. "Well, that summer was crazy." Quinn stated. "Yeah, strange." Lucas agreed.
"Well, we've all seen stranger things, and I'm sure we'll continue to see stranger things." Dustin shrugged. We hummed agreements, sitting in a comfortable silence.

Once it got to about midnight, Steve left to take everyone else home. Leaving me and Quinn the only ones in her room and in the house.

𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅:

"How about that kiss?" I asked, a small smile on my face. Max grinned and stat up, leaning over to reach me. We both smiled into the kiss. Finally one we could have without any disruption. I smiled as Max sat in bed beside me. "I am so glad I met you." Max sighed.
"Really?" I asked, feeling a wave of surprise wash over me. "Mhm, you're like the best human being I've met." Max spoke, the words finding themselves, not allowing her brain to force out the emotion.

"I think I could say the same about you." I admitted with a smile. It was now Max's turn to look surprised. "How so?" She questioned.
"You're smart, funny, brave, you get my sarcasm. I don't think you want to get me started we would be here for days." I shook my head with a grin on my face. "We have six weeks." Max laughed. I had to repress a laugh since I had already had a taste of the pain it sent through my ribs.

"I think I love you for the same reasons. You're brave, selfless, funny, kind, the whole sarcasm thing." Max smiled, speaking softly. "You love me?" I gasped, my jaw dropping. "Yeah- maybe I shouldn't of said that, sorry- too soon?" Max questioned worriedly. "No! No I love you too!" I grinned. We stared into each other's eyes. It was true, I love Max, more than anyone else I had met. She was truly amazing.

"I'm sorry too by the way." I told my girlfriend. "For what?" She asked, looking confused once again. "For breaking the promise. I shouldn't of made a promise I knew I couldn't keep." I apologised. "Don't worry about it, I'm just glad you're alive. You don't have to apologise." Max reassured me sweetly. "Yeah I know...I just want to let you know. 𝙸'𝚖 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢."


A/N: I hope this was a good ending to the story and I hope u all enjoyed the plot. This is the first book I've ever put full effort into and have finished so hopefully it was enjoyable to read. I can reassure you all that there are many books to come, including the Eddie book I've started already. I want to thank everyone for the support I've received and I love you all so much! I'll see you in the next book

-much love, AWildSimp

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