𖣘𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𖣘

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'We've lived here for our whole lives and we have never seen this abandoned fun fair." Dustin told me as we walked away from the rusted bumper cars and beyond the abandoned Ferris wheel. I looked up at the rollercoaster that was covered in old carts that had rusted so much that they seemed to be glued to the tracks. "Think I can climb to the top?" I questioned, asking no one in particular. "That would be pretty dangerous, I don't know." Will muttered. "I believe you could do it, just the getting down part I'm more on the edge about." Max cut in.

"Try it, let's see what happens." Mike said. "How about we race to the top?" I suggested with a cocky smirk. "Mike don't it's dangerous." His girlfriend said, quickly trying to discourage him from the challenge. "E- Jane it's fine, I'll win and get back down safely." He said, sending me a harsh glare. I smiled back with fake sweetness. "Are you guys sure about this?" Lucas asked. "Yeah, actually I'm so confident I want to place a bet," Will said. "Really? What bet?" I asked, intrigued by the idea of adding a little more fun to things.

"If I win the race, up and down, you have to go home and you can't be part of our group!" Mike said. His statement was met by a lot of annoyed and disappointed groans. "Right okay, if I win, you have to allow me to be part of the group. And yes that means in and out of school." I added the last part as I saw Mike try and add something. "Fine. Deal." Mike nodded, turning to the rollercoaster. I turned to it as well, mapping out where I could climb up. "Alright to the top of the drop, three...two..one!" Dustin called out.

Me and Mike ran towards the rollercoaster. I jumped up onto the rails and started making my way up. I kept my eyes ahead, refusing to look down, knowing my fear of heights would make me freeze up. I could hear Mike closing in behind me. I wasn't going to lie to myself, I needed friends my age, especially people who seemed genuinely cool and nice. I wasn't going to let some annoying kid, who seemed to hate me for no good reason, stop me.

I used one of the old carts to give me a boost upwards. I yelled as it creaked and lurched forwards. I almost fell and held into the rails for dear life. I turned to see Mike jumping away from the cart. He huffed and continued climbing. I quickly balanced myself and took off again. I got to the top, shortly followed by Mike. I watched as he started making his way down. I looked at the carts, perfectly lined up, and in jumping distances of each other.

I smiled to myself and climbed onto the first. I jumped from it to the next, continuing the process for each one. They slid forwards each time I landed but nothing too bad. As I got to the last cart, the one I was standing on threw itself forwards, I clung on to the safety bar. I hadn't fallen but the sudden movement had made me slam my leg into a broken part of the ride. I held back a yell of pain and finished the rest of the way down the rollercoaster.

"Shit are you okay?" Dustin asked me.
"Huh yeah I'm fine?" I said, a little confused why everyone was looking at me with so much shock. "How are you fine? Look at your leg!" Lucas exclaimed. I frowned at him and looked down at my legs. "Awh shit." I winced. Blood oozed from a long cut along my leg. I had felt the pain against my leg when I lurched forwards but I didn't think it was that bad. I sat down, gritting my teeth as the cut sent an electric shock of pain throughout my leg.

"Think Steve will kill us? That's a little more than a bruise." Max commented. I let out a snort of laughter at her comment. "What happened?" I heard Mike ask as he moved Will to the side to see what was going on. "Look who decided to join us." I smiled. Mike huffed at me, clearly dissatisfied with the aftermath of our bet. "Here, hold this on the cut, I'll contact Steve." Dustin said, handing me a paper towel. I held it down on the cut, wincing at the pain that sparked at the contact.

Dustin contacted Steve on his walkie talkie. I could hear Steve's angry shouts from where I sat, I couldn't quite hear exactly what he was saying though. Which didn't really matter since I would get an earful of it later. The bleeding stopped a little while later and I threw the tissue in a nearby bin. "Let's head back the." Lucas said, getting up from where he had been sitting nearby. I used a tree to help me up and followed the others through the forest, trying not to yelp as leaves and branches slapped against my cut.

As we got to the edge of the forest I spotted Steve immediately. He was standing against his car, tapping the hood impatiently. "Finally! In the car! Quinn get in the front!" He ordered as he spotted us. I got into the front seat as the others to theirs in the back. We drove back in silence, Steve sending me worried glances like I would die on the spot.

We got back to Steve's and the others picked up their bikes. "See ya Quinn!" Lucas said as he got onto his bike.
"Bye Quinn!"
"See ya around!"
I smiled as I watched them leave, the expression immediately falling from my face as I turned to Steve. We got into the the house and walked into the kitchen. "So, what was it this time? You climbed a tree? Had a knife fight? You throwing glass bottles around again?" Steve questioned.

"Climbed an abandoned rollercoaster actually, which I think tops all the stupid things I've done so far." I said, sitting up on the countertop. "You're joking." He said. I shook my head.
"Quinn! That is so stupid! Honestly one of these days your gonna end up dead." He groaned, grabbing everything to clean the cut up properly. "Yeah yeah whatever." I rolled my eyes. I started cleaning up the cut and looked up at Steve to see a confused frown on his face.

"What?" I asked.
"I never told those kids where I live." He said.

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