𖣘𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟻𖣘

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𖣘𖣘𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗𖣘𖣘

𝙼𝚊𝚡'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅:

"Right, everyone knows the plan?" Dustin questioned, we all nodded. We were walking towards the abandoned factory now. My nerves made my heart slam against my chest the closer we got. Me, El, and Steve were going to get hurt, that's how it had to be for us to win, for us to get them back. I looked over at Morrigan, she was looking around the forest, confusion and worry flashing in her eyes. It soon passed and I narrowed it down to my imagination.

"There it is." Morrigan announced. Our group stood in front of a large building, it was rusting over and had many large holes in odd areas of the ceiling. "Let's do this!" Dustin whispered as we entered the run down building. There was a slight warmth in the building, too warm for a place that was covered in holes everywhere you looked.

I had to fight a gasp as I saw two people step out from the shadows. Hopper, gun still tightly in his grasp, and Quinn, fists clenched, eyes narrowed as she glared at me. It seemed so wrong to see such hatred coming from her, especially directed at me. "Guys! Listen! You need to try and get out of there! Fight his control! We need to make him break his deal so you guys can escape!" Dustin yelled at them. They gave no answer.

Hopper raised his gun, aiming it at Eleven's head. "El!" I pushed the girl out the way and was able to jump out of the bullet's direction. It darted off the walls before landing harmlessly on the ground. There was no time to recover from the shock as I was shoved to the ground. I looked up to see Quinn, she crouched down and clenched her fists harder. I had no time to speak as she landed a punch across my jaw. I yelped in pain, tears quickly welling in my eyes.

She roughly grabbed my jaw and made me look into her eyes. There was nothing there. This wasn't Quinn. "Quinn please, I know this isn't you. Fight it please." I begged. I was silenced by another punch to the jaw. I was about to receive another before Steve grabbed Quinn and forced her off me. The younger girl fought against the tall man's grip. "Quinn! Please fight it! Please!" Steve pleaded.

I got to my feet, wincing at the pain that now radiated from my jaw. I heard another bullet bounce of the wall and then a scream of pain. I turned to the noise, my eyes widening as I saw what had happened. El collapsed to the floor, holding onto her leg which now held a bullet wound. "Hopper fight it!" Joyce yelled. Hopper pointed the gun at her and fired, there were no bullets. He simply dropped the gun and started advancing towards Joyce.

"Why is he still attacking? El got hurt! That breaks the deal!" Lucas exclaimed, firing a rock from his slingshot at Hopper's head. "Crap! The devil said he wouldn't hurt them! If we want the deal to break we need the devil to come here and hurt them himself!" Dustin realised. "Why can nothing be simple?" Will yelled, throwing a rock at Hopper before he got too close to Lucas.

"Restrict them! If they can't fight us! The Devil will have to deal with us himself!" Steve shouted to everyone, struggling as he tied rope around Quinn's arms. I ran over and helped him tie the rope around her legs. Everyone else had soon restricted Hopper and we stepped back, watching as the two of them attempted to escape. "Restrict me too." Morrigan said, grabbing our attention. "What- why? You're completely fine now- you helped us find this place." Robin questioned. "He's trying to control me again, I can feel it, restrict me." Morrigan held out her hands.

We restricted Morrigan and she joined Hopper and Quinn on the floor. "We need to kill the devil, he won't loose full control over them until he's dead." Dustin sighed. "So you propose we kill a devil, it was hard enough holding them down." Lucas pointed out. "I know- but Pact Devil's are weak to iron and we're surrounded by the stuff. Gather any iron poles or just anything sharp. When he gets here we'll be ready." Dustin ordered.

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