𖣘𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𖣘

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𖣘𖣘𖣘𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎?𖣘𖣘𖣘

We sprinted to our bikes. My heart was beating as loud as my feet were slamming against the floor. We picked up our bikes, me dropping it in a panic and quickly fumbling to get it up again. My legs were burning at the rate we had ran and how hard and fast I was cycling. All I knew as that I had to get as far away as possible. "QUINN TO YOUR HOUSE!" Dustin screamed as we cycled out of the forest and down the road.

I apologised to anyone I almost hit in the rush to get back home. We got to mine and dismissed our bikes in a hurry. We sprinted inside and I slammed the door shut and locked it. "Quinn! Don't slam the door!" Steve shouted from the living room. His annoyed expression dropped immediately as he saw how we all rushed into the room. "What happened?" He demanded, standing up.

"Demogorgan." Lucas panted.
"In the forest." Dustin added.
"Almost got Quinn." Max added the last bit.
"WHAT?" I noticed Robin next to Steve, her face in an exaggerated amount of shock. "WHAT? Quinn oh my god are you alright?" Steve pulled me into a hug which I couldn't offer back. I was too numbed by shock and fear to move. He noticed the blood on my hands and gave me a horrified look. "Not mine." I told him.
"Whose is it?" Steve questioned. I simply shrugged.

We took a few minutes to make sure everyone was alright and wash the blood off my hands and Steve closed all the blinds while Robin locked all the windows and doors. "So you said that was a demo- demo...?" I looked at Dustin and Will who were explaining what that creature was. "Demogorgan, a creature of the upside down." Will repeated his previous statement. "The upside down is a place under Hawkins which is like ours but filled with monsters that follow some sort of hive mind. Sometimes it bleeds into our world and we get things like the Demogorgan." Dustin explained, guessing my next question.

I nodded slowly, trying to take it all in. "You don't have to pretend you understand it. Took me a while to fully adjust too." Max said quietly. I looked up at her before sinking into the sofa. "This is too much." I groaned.
"You're telling me there's another world under Hawkins. It's been there for gods knows long. And we can't tell anyone because we'll be sent away to an asylum?" I checked. Everyone hummed confirmation.

I hit my face a couple of times, trying to wake myself from whatever fever dream I was in. "Steve this explains a lot." I looked at the brunette, remembering all the nights he had missed coming home and returned with cuts and bruises. Especially after things such as the mall fire and other crazy things that had occurred which now were apparently cover ups for all this paranormal crazy shit.

"I'm never sleeping again." I sighed as I sat up again. "Yeah and I don't want to go outside again." Will said, looking towards the door. "I'll contact all your parents, I'll ask if you can stay round. There was supposed to a heatwave as well so I'll just use that as an excuse as to why you don't want to cycle all the way back home." Steve said, getting up and walking towards the phone. "I'll tell Hopper to get some fire and go deal with that Demogorgan, we don't want it getting into the town." He added.

We went upstairs into my room. "Oh by the way, Jane- well eleven, has powers." Lucas said. I stared at him and then at Jane and then the others. "Eleven? Powers?" I questioned, raising my brow. "You act like that's the craziest thing you've heard tonight." Lucas said. I let out a breath and just nodded. "Right yeah fair point." I nodded. A loud knock on the door made us all jump. "It's Hopper!" Steve called upstairs. Jane- sorry- Eleven went downstairs, followed by Mike.

"WILL YOUR MUM IS HEREEEE!" Mike yelled from downstairs. "Oh no." Will sighed before following downstairs. I looked at Max, Lucas and Dustin. "So how long have you guys been dealing with the Upside down?" I questioned. "A few years." Lucas answered.
"Damn, sorry you guys have had to go through all that- I thought what I saw today alone was scary." I said. "You don't need to apologise, it's not your fault." Max gave me a sad smile which I returned.

Steve walked into the room followed my Eleven, Mike and Will. "You're all free to stay here, Quinn get them some clothes to wear. And if you wanna talk I'll be downstairs with Hopper and Joyce." Steve said before turning and leaving. "Yeah no I'm not wearing girl clothes." Mike scoffed. "Yeah, no I'm pretty sure clothes don't have a gender." Quinn replied, sending an annoyed look at Mike's constant jabs at anything she did.

"Yeah sure. Why's there a boys and girls section at shops then?" Mike quizzed. "Because society likes dividing people so men have an easier upper hand." I shot back, getting more and more annoyed. "Well that's just because men are better and stronger." Mike spat. "Mike shut the fuck up you were almost crying the other day because u fell over a rock and fell on your ass while showing off go El." Max retorted with a glare. I let out a laugh at what Max had said, which Mike got even more pissed off at.

He didn't say anything though and just accepted the clothes I had given him. "I expect all these clothes back by the way, don't steal them." I told everyone as I handed Max one of my baggy shirts and a pair of shorts. We all went into the bathroom to get dressed one at a time (A/N: not that kind of story guys🤨).

I went downstairs and saw Robin, Steve and Police Chief Hopper talking to a woman with brown hair and worried eyes. I stopped and stared at Hopper for a second. It hadn't computed earlier when Steve was talking about him, I was still in so much shock but now I had calmed down it shocked me to see the supposedly dead policeman alive and sitting in my house. "Your alive?" I said, pointing at him. "Yep, keep it quiet though, I'm sort of undercover since I'm supposed to be dead and all." Hopper said with a small smile.

I just nodded and grabbed some water before going back upstairs. What the fuck is my life?

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