𖣘𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻𖣘

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𖣘𖣘𖣘𝙸𝚝 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚎𖣘𖣘𖣘

One second the car was speeding through the forest. The next it was flying into a ditch. "EVERYONE OUT!" The driver screamed. There was a mad rush out of the car. We didn't even have time to observe the damage of the Hound's massive paw tearing through the metal. We just ran. Me and Max ran hand in hand, jumping over any fallen trees and trying not to curse when bushes snagged at our shoe laces and when thorns whipped at our skin.

We emerged into a familiar setting. The abandoned fun fair. I could hear the hound gearing through the forest behind us. "I think I know how to stop it!" Dustin exclaimed. "How?" Hopper turned to face him. "Things from the Upside down hate fire right?" Dustin started. We all nodded, following along. "What's scarier then a massive wheel on fire then?" Dustin turned to look at the rusted Ferris wheel.

"Dustin you're a genius!" Lucas exclaimed. "Except how the hell do we set that thing in fire?" Erica pointed out. There was silence for a second, other than the scraping bones which was slowly getting louder. "This is a theme park! There must be oil and Gasoline around for the rides! We just have to find it!" I realised. "We have to search! Eleven can you keep that thing away? Like maybe tear bones off with your powers and stuff? Distract it?" Dustin turned to the girl. She nodded.

"I'll go with her." Mike said.
"Me too." Hopper agreed
"I will as well." Joyce spoke up. The small group ran off into the forest. From then there was a mad scramble to find the oil and gasoline. Me, Max, Robin and Steve went one way, Lucas and Erica another, Dustin, Will and Morrigan the other way. We searched every possible building.

As me and Max stood together searching, still gripping each other's hands, Robin approached us. "Are you guys like...a thing?" She questioned, looking down at her hands. "We'll um..." is started, looking at Max for what to say.

"Over here!" Steve called from a small distance away. I felt relief that he had pulled us out of that situation and that we could finally get this plan into action. We started running towards him, seeing him pull up jugs of liquids. "Now we have to start climbing and dumping the shit." Steve sighed, staring up at the Ferris wheel. There was a loud roar from the forest. "And we should do it quickly." Robin added. Everyone else joined and started taking jugs.

Once we were done with the lower levels it was time to start climbing. My heart was racing. My fear of heights mixed with the fact a massive hound made of dead bodies was roaring in the forest every so often really wasn't helping with such a careful task. After a while everyone started climbing down and getting out lights or rubbing flint or sticks together. Me and Max we're about to start climbing when the lights flickered and the ride started moving.

Max almost fell down from the high cart we were standing in. I grabbed her and pulled her towards me. The ride jolted at the movement and we both fell to the ground. Max carefully sat up and peered out the open cart door. The hound was emerging from the forest, chasing after the group that had been distracting it. "They have to light it up." I muttered.

"We're up here! We'll die!" Max exclaimed.
"Hopefully we survive until we reach low enough to jump out, shut the doors." I told her carefully. "LIGHT IT UP! WE'LL BE FINE!" I screamed down to the others. "NO! NO IM NOT LETTING YOU DIE!" Steve yelled back up. "WE'LL JUMP OUT WHEN ITS SAFE JUST DO IT!" I screamed, my throat getting sore. I slammed the cart door shut as flames started to climb upwards.

Me and Max sat on the floor, hand in hand. "God I hate this." She whimpered as we watched fire flicker up at the window, heat reaching us immediately. "We'll be fine. We'll be fine." I mumbled. "God things really can get worse." I sighed. Max looked at me with a confused expression on her face. "When you weren't there when I woke up I told myself it couldn't get any worse...well.." I looked around us. We were stuck in a decades old Ferris wheel which had been lit on fire to escape a giant bone hound which was relentlessly trying to kill us. Things got worse.

"You know. This might not be the right time but...if I'm going to die I want to finish what I started yesterday. And I want to kiss my girlfriend. Best thing to do if I could die in some rusty machine." Max said, looking up at me. I smiled at her. "Agreed." I smiled. We both started to lean in. Like time had completely slowed down our lips met. It was only two seconds but it made my entire heart burst. Who knew two seconds could be so life changing?

(A/N: Sorry for short chapter! Love u all and I'll release the next soon!)

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