𖣘𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟽𖣘

52 0 18


The longer we waited for the group to return, the more anxious we got. It had now just passed an hour since they had left. "Do you think something happened?" Will fretted, playing with his hands. "They have El, they'll be fine." Mike told him. "Yeah but- I mean it's been an hour. They said they would close the gate and that's it. Why are they taking so long?" Will was clearly stressed. Who wouldn't be when your mom and your friends were out closing a portal gate to basically hell.

I rubbed his back gently. "Will. Trust me they will be fine. I mean it's a portal gate to the Upside down, it's not going to take a couple minutes to close that sort of thing." I said softly. Will nodded slowly. "Yeah, yeah you're right I'm just paranoid." He sighed, rubbing his eyes. "You tired?" I asked quietly. He nodded. "You can go sleep in my bed if you want,
I'll come wake you up when they're back." I told the teen.

"Thank you." Will smiled at me.
"No problem." Will went upstairs to my room and I leaned against the arm of the sofa. Max leaned on my shoulder, closing her eyes. I smiled and rested my head on hers. I saw Mike glaring at us from the corner of my eye. I turned to return the cold look. He quickly looked down. I rolled my eyes at the boy and returned to my own thought.

I had to agree with Will after more time dragged by. It had now been an hour and a half. They still hadn't returned and there was no phone call and nothing over the walkie talkies. I turned to look at Max, she was still leaning on my shoulder, completely still. "Hey Max?" I whispered. She didn't move. "Max?" I whispered, slightly louder. She still didn't move. She was asleep.

"I'm gonna go take Max up to bed." I told everyone, not loud enough to wake the redhead up. I picked Max up, gently, and carried her upstairs. Will was sitting on the floor of my room. "Oh- Quinn! Hi! Are they back?" He jumped up quickly. "No sorry Will, just taking Max to bed. She fell asleep." I apologised, feeling guilty for getting his hopes up, watching as his face dropped.

"Oh okay." He nodded, stepping back as I set Max down on my bed and put the covers over her. "You still seem stressed." I commented.
"I am, I'm anxious! I mean my mom is out there closing a gate to the upside down!" Will exclaimed. I frowned at him before opening my arms up. Will stepped forward and accepted the offer for a hug. "You know what I do when I'm stressed?" I mumbled to Will. "What?" He whispered.
"I listen to music, especially my favourite song." I told him, pulling away from the hug.

"Can we do that? I think it might help." Will asked me. I nodded and walked over to the line up of records. I slipped my favourite one out and gently placed it on the recorder. Will gently placed down the needle and the song began to play. 'Red, red Wine' by UB40 started playing. The sound gently flowing through the quiet room. I started to hum the song and swayed gently back and forth. Will smiled and followed my actions.

"You guys having a little party there?" I looked up at the bed to see Max watching us. "Yeahh, wanna come join us?" I patted the floor beside me. Max climbed out of my bed and sat beside me. She started to hum with us. She took my hand and started swaying it to the flow of the music. A few seconds later everyone came up the stairs. "We're de-stressing. Come join us." I smiled. Everyone looked at eachother, smiles on their faces as we all started singing and humming to the music.

The song ended and I got up to play a different song. I stopped in my tracks as I heard the front door open. They were back. We all raced out the room and down the stairs. They had just walked into the living room as we got down. Will ran over and pulled Joyce into a hug. Mike copied the actions similarly, pulling El into a tight hug. We all hugged them and said polite hello's to Morrigan.

"Why did you guys take so long?" Erica questioned. "Well making your way into a completely destroyed laboratory and into a room that's caving in on itself while trying to close a gate that leads to basically hell is not exactly a quick little chore." Hopper explained. We all nodded and gave small mumbles to let him now we had listened. "Yeah that seems fair." Steve nodded.

"Oh um, Max, Quinn you wanna tell em?" Dustin asked. I looked at Max and she nodded to Dustin. "Tell us what?" Eleven questioned.
"Me and Quinn are dating!" Max announced, holding mine and her hands up. It was silent for a second and a flash of panic shot through me. "That's great! You finally told her about your crush on her!" Eleven smiled. I turned to the red head and smiled. I saw her ears burn red, which she quickly tried to hide with her hair.

"Awh sweethearts! I'm happy you feel comfortable enough to tell us!" Joyce brought me and Max into a group hug. We hugged back. "Yeah we're proud of ya kids." Hopper smiled. Morrigan simply just smiled at us. I mean it's not like she knew us well enough to have an opinion on the relationship.

"We should probably all and get some sleep. It's been a long week." Hopper told everyone. We all agreed and the party went upstairs to my room.

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