𖣘𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟺𖣘

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𖣘𖣘𖣘'𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚎?'𖣘𖣘𖣘

I jumped up at the sound of a scream. It was soon followed by the screeching of an alarm blaring. I looked down to where Max had been laying when I fell asleep. She wasn't there, the spot was empty. My heart pounded against my chest and as I got out of bed. What had been bad enough to set off an alarm? Who had screamed? A sickening idea wormed it's way into my head. Had Max been the one to scream?

I ran out of the room and looked around. One by one everyone was leaving their rooms. I looked to the far right, the door that Max's room lead to stayed closed. My heart was aching as it seemed to attempt to tear out of my body. I ran to the door and pushed it open. There was no sign of Max. The bed was empty.

"Guys! Max isn't in her room! Where is she?" I left the room, my hands shaking. "I'm sure she's with one of the guards- or with doctor Morrigan maybe?" Hopper racked his brains for an excuse but I could tell everyone was freaking out. There had been a scream, the alarms were blaring from the speakers and Max was missing. How could this get any worse.

The door flew open and Doctor Morrigan and a flood of guards swarmed the room. "We need to leave now. The Charnel Hound has escaped." The blonde woman spoke, her voice shaking. My eyes widened and my fear and worry only grew. I felt like I could faint. My head was pounding from the constant noise and my heart was sore from how fast it was moving. "We can't leave. Max is missing we need to find her." I told the doctor.

"Max- she was with some guards last I saw her-" the doctor started. "When did you last see her? A few hours ago we needed to talk to her. I think you know what about, we check all of our guests once they've slept, make sure nothing went wrong during the night." She said, her green eyes bore into me. "Who's to say she's still with those guards, I need to see her and make sure she's safe." I spoke.

I pushed past the doctor and started running through the halls, I dodged out of the way of guards as they ran past. None of them were accompanied by the red headed girl. "Where's that kid gone?" I heard a man say. I looked up at the source of the voice. "I don't know she got lost in the crowd- I think I saw her get pushed into the hallway." Another man answered. "What hallway?" The first guard demanded. "The portal room hallway." The second guard gulped. "Poor thing- she's probably dead by now and that creature is around here someone- we should go." The first guard started marching away.

I ran through the halls,glancing at signs as I passed. God I regretted not listening on that tour. 'Portal room this way ' i forced my legs to take me to the direction of the arrow. Fear was making my legs weak, though determination to find my girlfriend was the thing keeping them working. The lights around me flickered. Then it hit me. A horrible smell that burned my nostrils and made me want to gag. Death and blood. Isn't that what those people in the book had described the hound to smell like?

My skin crawled and it felt as though a cold finger ran down my spine as I heard the sound. Scraping against the floor and bones hitting against one another. I heard a scream and something hit me at full speed. I groaned in pain and looked up to see what had hit me. Correction, who had hit me. "MAX!" I pulled the beautiful girl into a hug. "Quinn! Thank god I though you all left! But now we have to go! It's here!" She panted.

The sound of bones grew louder. I didn't have to ask Max what was here. What was chasing her. Now I was face to face with it. The Charnel hound was right there. "Max. Run." I said. We both took off down the hall. I could hear and smell the massive creature chasing after us. It's hot breath left a thick stench around us. We turned a corner to a collection of guards who were standing side by side, forming a wall.

"Exit's that way kids." One of them said, pushing me in the direction of a hallway. I grabbed Max's had and sprinted. I could hear guns and yells behind us, getting quieter and quieter. We ran up the stairs and onto the forest floor. I could see the group getting forced into the car. "I'M NOT LEAVING MY SISTER! AND I AM NOT LEAVING MAX! I heard Steve yell. He was fighting against the guards as they tried to push him into the vehicle.

"We're here! We need to go!" I panted as we reached them. We all got into the car and Steve pulled me and Max into a hug. "Thank god your alive." He sighed. I could see the tears in his eyes. He really thought I had left, that I had died. "Are you guys okay?" Robin questioned. "I'm fine, Max are you alright?" In the rush to escape I hadn't been able to check her over for injuries. I put my hand on her chin and moved her face around, trying to see any scratches or bruises. "I'm fine. I'm fine." She said softly, taking my hand in hers and moving it gently from her face.

I held onto her hand tightly. My heart rate was slowly calming down. "Erm boss, we have a situation." The driver spoke. I didn't have to ask what the 'situation' was. I could hear the bones rattling from where I sat.

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