𖣘𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸𖣘

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𖣘𖣘𖣘𝙳𝚘𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚗𖣘𖣘𖣘

I woke up feeling one of Max's arms gently resting over my side and the other laying beside my head. I opened my eyes and saw Max was still asleep. I refused to move, too afraid I'd wake her up. I connected her freckles like constellations with my eyes. "Don't watch me sleep, you creep." Max mumbled. I felt my face flush pink. "Sorry, I just didn't want to move and wake you up." I apologised. "Don't worry about it, I was joking." Max smiled, opening her eyes.

My bedroom door opened and me and Max sat up quickly. "Hey guys, come downstairs." Steve said. My face dropped as I heard his tone and saw his expression. He looked worried...scared even. Me and Max followed the tall brunette downstairs. There was a woman with short blonde hair and green eyes and two men wearing face coverings, one had short brown hair and the other had shoulder length black hair.

I looked at Steve, confused as to who these people are and why they were here. "Take a seat, dears." The woman smiled, gesturing to the two sofa chairs in front of her. Max and Steve sat down in in the chairs and I sat on the arm of Max's. "Who are you again?" Steve questioned. "I am Doctor Morrigan, head of the experiments you two kids and your friends discovered." She spoke.

My heart plummeted. I felt the colour drain from my face. Me and Max shared a look. "And of course since Steve is your older brother you brought him into things, which is a shame he had to be involved." The doctor said, looking between me and Steve. How the hell did she know all this? There was a knock on the door, making me jump slightly. The man with short hair went to answer it. A few seconds later he walked back in with the rest of the party.

"What's going on?" Lucas whispered to me.
"You kids have got yourselves involved in something very, very bad. That diary you stole contains government secrets and discoveries not of this world. I don't expect you to understand any of this since it sounds insane." Morrigan explained. "We've already seen things from the Upside down doctor, we've experienced it up close...lost others to it. I think we all understand." Steve spoke.

I glanced at Max when Steve mentioned the loosing people part. She had stayed silent, a hurt and distant look crossed her face. I brushed my hand against her arm, offering her a sad smile as she looked up at me. She smiled back, though I could tell it was slightly forced.

"If you understand so well then I'm sure you know that if you do not follow our next orders..we might be forced to kill you?" The doctor said. My stomach twisted as I looked at the woman. "This is top secret stuff, leaving you all to go around freely could be a danger to our community as well as yourselves. So you will be taken to a part of our lab where we can keep you safe until we have the recent events under control." Doctor Morrigan stated.

"Well we can't just pack our stuff and leave to stay in some lab, our parents will be wondering where we are!" Lucas pointed out. "We have that handled don't worry. Besides, Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper will be down there with you since they're also involved. Oh and along with Erica Sinclair and Robin Buckley." Morrigan reassured us. "You're not going to kill our parents are you?" Dustin questioned. "No! Of course not!" The blonde woman laughed.

"Now. There will be guards of mine waiting for you outside, they'll take you home so you can pack your things and then they will take you to the lab." Doctor Morrigan told us. Everyone was escorted away by guards and me and Steve were told to go and lack our things.

I sat in the car. Staring through the tinted windows at the trees that blurred past my view. The car pulled up and we got out. Some guards carried our bags behind us as Doctor Morrigan led us down a staircase and into the tunnels. I tried to memorise the way she was taking us but it was pretty difficult with how many random turns there were.

Eventually we were led into a large room, leading off into multiple other smaller rooms. "All the rooms are the same layout and size so there is no need to fight over them, the bathroom is that room over there and the kitchen is that room over there, guards will be posted outside at all times if you need anything."  The green eyed woman informed us before turning and leaving.

"This is fucking insane." Robin spoke.
"You know maybe we shouldn't of told Steve." Dustin muttered. "If only someone suggested that at the time." I said sarcastically. "Let's just set up our rooms and then we can talk about all this." Hopper said. We followed as he said.

About half an hour later everyone had finished with their rooms. We all sat in the main room talking about the insanity that had just occurred. "I mean they did their research and shit, they are dedicated to all this." Robin sighed. "I don't get why I was dragged into this! I wasn't even there this time!" Erica complained loudly. I had to admit Erica had character, which I loved because watching Lucas get annoyed at her little comments is hilarious.

"Anyone hungry? They've got food we can cook." Joyce spoke up. We all agreed to food, guess we had just accepted this whole situation. I mean what we're we going to do? Break out of a top secret government laboratory and go on the run?

We all ate and eventually people went back to their rooms. The clock in the kitchen had informed us how late it was and exhaustion was setting in. I lay in the surprisingly comfortable bed and stared at the ceiling, going over what had happened in my head. The room's door opened and I jumped up. I relaxed seeing it was just Max who had snuck in. "I couldn't sleep, is it alright if I stay in here with you?" She asked quietly.

"Come on in." I smiled, lifting up the covers so Max could crawl in beside me. "Just try and wake up early so you can sneak back into your room." I whispered. Max smiled and nodded, wrapping her arms around me. I rested my hands on her sides as we both drifted off to sleep.

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