Dead and Gone - Akashi X Reader

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" But if I fall for you, I'll never recover

If I fall for you, I'll never be the same."

- Love Somebody by Maroon 5


Dead and Gone - Akashi X Reader

It was a long time since you had seen this man. Exactly seven years since he had taken the tickets and left you there in the airport in the blistering cold with nothing except shattered pieces of your love in your palm.

He had turned around, determined never to look back at you as he ripped your self-esteem apart with his cold words. You had never managed to tell him that one thing you had planned on telling him that day when he told you he was bringing you out for a surprise. The three years that the both of you had spent seemed to him like a time he had wasted, a thing he could afford only at such a time period.

Sometimes, you really wanted to ask him whether he really loved you.

Or whether he just loved his team more than he loved you.

And yet this man, was standing right in front of you with his basketball shoes still in his hand and jacket hanging loosely off his shoulder. His eyes staring straight at you as if he was trying to know your next move, a habit born out of the courts.

But you both knew one thing.

You had changed. He had changed.

" Aka-senpai," you greet, bowing ninety-degrees towards this man right in front of you with two bodyguards right by his side. You merely hear a slight 'mm' from him before you raise your head, straightening your back. Your hand grips tightly onto the young child's small soft hands, the fear of him taking your child away brewing inside your heart. Fear creeps onto your face silently, and you gulped, taking a step back.

To be honest, you didn't want anything to do with him.

Not after he had deserted you in such a manner.

" Whose child is this?" he stares straight at you but you shift your gaze to somewhere else, not willing to look at him anymore. Those were the eyes you used to stare into every time he said that he loved you and you hated them.

Perhaps because he said that he loved you so many times, that both of you had forgotten what love really meant.

" I'm sorry, I have an appointment." You smile politely while trying to keep your cool, attempting to brush past this man you once called the person you loved the most in your entire life. Come to think of it, it seemed a little ridiculous. How could you ever say that you loved him the most in your entire life when you were just so young.

" Please, I-" Akashi stops you in your tracks, but wavers in his resolve as he watches you break down in front of him. " I don't care whatever you say. I just want to live my life peacefully okay! Please leave my son alone! Don't come for us anymore!" You sob as you carry your son in your arms.

Your son was merely moving his head to the rhythm of the music, completely unaware of what was going on around him. His eyes were shut tightly as his fingers gripped tightly around your own fingers, his fingernails digging into your skin and causing old wounds to bleed.

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