Chapter 5 - Akashi Seijūrō X OC

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Chapter 5 - Akashi Seijūrō  X OC

"Sei-san?" She stared up into his eyes, her eyes swirling with sheer white innocence just like a small little transparent orb, or at least that was what it seemed like to him. Of course, since his orders were absolute, he was completely correct about everything. 

"Yes?" he smiled, almost cunningly like a regal fox, and his eyes caught her in a death-like grip, holding her gaze steadily. She smiled unknowingly, the entire scene playing out as if the fox had outwitted its prey with its trickery and slyness.

" Why are you going with her?" she asked, a flurry of fury flashing across in her eyes but it was soon replaced by the fake mask of innocence again that she knew he loved so much about her.

Akashi's eyes narrowed and he tightened his grip around her neck, his thumb pressing against her throat skillfully. His grip had just the right amount of power needed to close her breathing track and trap the exhaust in, obviously a sign of clear experience.

"Nghhh~" She clawed at his grip but he didn't let go for obvious reasons. Akashi Seijuro did not like the feeling of being defied or questioned by a lower being such as herself, and he had specifically stated that to her the very moment they had started this, and yet she was breaking the two rules at one go, a sign that her feathers had started to grow against his wings. 

" Do not question me." he growled as he pressed her against the wall, his other hand ripping off her clothes in a mad fury, the burning desire to consume her growing and manifesting in him. This desire controlled his senses with an iron grip, and he had long succumbed to it. She was his essence that made him able to control that overpossessive desire in him.

She merely nodded slightly, almost timidly, and he released her at once. Gasping for air, she collasped onto the floor, patting her chest as her vision cleared up.

" I need you." Akashi mumbled, as he grabbed her and threw her onto the bed like a rag doll. In an animalistic frenzy, he clawed at her t-shirt and pulled it down aggressively, tearing the entire shirt apart. Opening his mouth, he widened it to its full extent and cracked his jaws before plunging into her skin, his teeth sinking into the smooth and soft sensation of her flesh. Her blood permeated his senses, and flooded his mouth with its sickeningly sweet scent. 

Smiling contently, she laid absolutely still, her arms wrapped around Akashi tightly as he fed on her, biting through her flesh time and again. Through the multiple scars he tore apart, just as how her heart was when she held him so closely one more time.


" Juro~" a gril's nasal voice erupted throught the cold still air, cutting it so swiftly as the sound of heels could be heard down the hallway. A fifteen- year old girl was dressed in a beautiful sunflower patterned kimono, paired with a Chanel  lambskin classic bag that was rose pink. She walked elegantly towards Akashi Seijuro who was sitting in his seat, his head resting on his hand while he smiled gently at her. A smile full of love and sincerity unlike any other.

" Yuri." he said, her name drifting out of his mouth as if it was floating on a seat of love. He got up from his seat with a certain aura of dominance and skilfully slid his hand across her waist once she got to him. 

" Juro! Father says I can marry you by next week!" she laughs happily, her cheeks blushing with embarrassment while her heart blooms with the roses. Akashi smiles even brighter by the news, a sign of delight sweeping across his heart. Finally, his love could belong to him, and they would never be apart. 

As the couple stood in the Rakuzan classroom, the sweet air permeating of a rose scent filled with an atmosphere of joy and love, a shadow stood by the door, a hand gripping the door so tightly that her fingernails were chipped.


To her, the air around her was repulsive.

Filled with disgust, she dropped her things onto the floor and ran out covering her mouth and nose. The loud thud that her bag had made caused the couple in the classroom to snap back to reality from their state of sheer joy. Akashi's eyes narrowed as he caught a whiff of the blood stain on the floor that was trailing down from the door.

The familiar scent that perfected him.

Releasing his grip on Yuri, he kissed her hard and fast, muttering a quick apology as he dashed out of the classroom to chase after his prey. Akashi ran after the blood trail, the perfect scent like a perfume that led him on. Seductive. Amusing. Teasing.

Drip by drip, her heart bled, its contents flowing out of her hand. Slowly, her love had drained out, its essence evaporating into the air. That was what had completed her blood. The love filled the missing piece in everyone's heart, and that was what Akashi required. It was what he had fed on every single night, to enable him to love Yuri so much. 

" Come to me~" his voice rang out like a lullaby, in an attempt to hypnotise her but she was too far gone. Without her love, she wasn't in his control anymore. Without any hint of emotion, she took a step forward, her feet rising up into the air and stepping down, her body tilting forward emotionlessly and falling throught the cold air. The coldness froze her heart that was once beating for him.

As her body slammed into the cold hard concrete, Akashi screamed out in agony as he collasped onto the floor. His soul was ripped out of him ruthlessly, his eyes bleeding out her blood that she had once so generously offered to him. All emotion was lost, the blood drops like the rose that once bloomed so brilliantly but withered away yet again so quickly.

He couldn't love again.

Because he had lost her,

his eternal love. 





haha if you don't get it, just comment and i'll explain it. 


And this is dedicated to my fav knb fanfic authors. Thanks for giving me the strength to carry on and making me laugh on in the most diffcult times. :D

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