Reckless | Aomine

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When I went away, saw your face in my rear-view
I know that look on your face, that I had lost you

- New York City X The Chainsmokers


He remembered. 

Of course, who could ever forget your laughs echoing in the wind as you ran freely in the corridors as if no one could trap you even in the concrete jungle. 

Who could ever forget your wide smile and cheeky blows of kisses as you stopped in the middle of the corridor, turning around for a flying kiss before running off.

Who could ever forget how you, of all people, took that step forward, away from his side towards another. 

Aomine sighed, his hair covering his face as he looked up to pay attention in class with his pen in hand hitting against the table with a certain rhythm. He forced himself not to look at you, not to even glance in your direction but he just couldn't help himself every single time. 

Your eyes were dim, almost lifeless unlike those times you had bounced up to him and called him to follow you to lunch at the canteen which he absolutely hated but did every single time with great displeasure shown outright through his ranting and annoyed look every time you looked at him. 

" Yo Aomine, man even though it's a rare occasion you even attend class, at least pay attention!" one of Aomine's friends throws a ball of paper at him, causing him to snap back to quickly turn away towards the projector's screen again. The ball of paper hits the table, then drops onto the floor, slowly rolling towards you before it stops short of your table, just a few inches away.

So close, yet so far.

He recalls the time you sat behind his motorcycle, hands hugging around his waist with fingers tightly yet fearfully gripping onto his Tōō jacket as he drove down the streets of Tokyo. The neon lights shone like diamonds in the night sky, so beautifully lit up like those sparkling fireworks that never seemed to dim. Your warm breath against his ear, a slight subtle sound as you breathe, makes his ears turn red even though you can't see it. 

" Ne- Daiki-kun, daisuki." you whisper in his ear really softly, your cheeks turning a bright soft shade of rose pink. Aomine's eyes widen as his smile turns bigger, but  he was completely playing it cool by smugly commenting, "Of course, the only one who can love you is me" before being startled by a soft kiss on his ear by your rosy lips.

He didn't know whether you would ever forgive him for that one night. That one night when you had approached him with that worried look on your face, towel in one hand while his bottle in the other. He had flared up some way or another, shoving you out of the way roughly before snatching his bottle away from you. You didn't mutter a word, but something seemed to snap within him. Maybe the loss of a match was too unbearable for him to handle for a while, but he had certainly taken it out on you. He remembered screaming and shouting at you for you to get the hell out of his sight for all eternity and how he didn't like you anymore. 

He remembered, watching before his very eyes, as that last glimmer of twinkling light in your eyes seemed to extinguish into a pitch black of darkness.

This desolate, lonely soul of hope engulfed by that sliver of darkness to absolve into nothingness. 

He remembered watching you smile weakly once more, then turn your head around towards the exit. Even as he subconsciously told himself to chase after you because he realized how much of a great mistake he had made, not once did he manage to stand up. 

He hopes that you will just make a simple response such as throwing the ball of paper back while texting him to complain about he's littering, but nothing comes along. You glance at the ball of paper, then turn back to the screen with little emotion on your face even though it pains you inside to even keep a straight face.

You can remember how he shouted in your face after he had lost the match, how he screamed for you to 'get away from him as long as he lived'. The fierceness in his eyes and that mean sneer he gave would forever be in your mind, replaying every single time you thought of approaching him.

The smiles you had the last time had shattered in the midst of it all, and you couldn't bring yourself to give another smile again. Not after that disaster.

You had obviously tried moving on, dating one guy after another, but every single time you dated one, you just couldn't feel it. That feeling that you got whenever you yelled in the wind that you loved him.

At the sight of your little to no reaction at all, he sighs, his hand gripping his pen tightly and the rapid tapping becomes even more frequent and louder, as if a sign of his anxiety and frustration. Even though he knows that it's his fault for pushing you away so harshly like that but he can't seem to find a way to apologize.

The silence between the two of you hurts him, but just as you don't know that he's completely wrecked with guilt on the inside, he doesn't know how much you're dying on the inside as well.

And maybe, time would eventually heal everything, but at this moment, no one seemed to be capable of healing.

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