Love like Earth | Butler!Midorima X Brat!Reader

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Love like earth (Butler!Midorima x Brat!Reader)


“I no longer believed in the idea of soul mates, or love at first sight. But I was beginning to believe that a very few times in your life, if you were lucky, you might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws were arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together.” 

― Lisa Kleypas, Blue-Eyed Devil


" I want EARL GREY TEA! I don't want to drink this kind of low grade tea that's bland and disgusting!" You shout in frustration as you throw your porcelain tea cup at your butler who was bowing apologetically in front of you. He had to put up with all your nonsense from the day he was sent by his father to take care of you and play with you since no one would do so. The adults were afraid that he would leave your side once he felt that you were too bothersome or when you would bully him, but to their surprise, he stayed. However, he grew up to be a narcissistic little sarcastic basketballer who had a thing for 'lucky items' after he had successfully manage to dodge one of your attacks with a green frog plush by his side but when he was with you, he was completely docile and quiet unlike how aggressive he was when he faced his other basketball counterparts.

"I apologize my lady." He sweeps in smoothly and just as his hand is about to retrieve that rejected product that he ha made personally, you smack his hand in complete anger.

"I didn't ask for you to take it away! I only want some more tea!" You shriek in annoyance. Your patience was slowing running out, the frustration and annoyance setting in. How was he so blind to you and all the things that you did just so you could attract his attention? Your eyes flash a sense of guilt when you watch tea trickle down his face with the tea leaves stuck to his green hair and blending in like a chameleon in the jungle.

Midorima shuffled back to the corner and hung his head even further down. Somehow he never knew what he could do to make you satisfied with his performance. All he wanted was for you to show a sign of recognition of his abilities and he would feel so satisfied with his life. He wanted your compliment. Your recognition. He wanted to see you smile and make the most perfect things for you, because to him, you were his princess and you were for fit the most perfect of everything.

Irritated, you make a decision and get up from your seat abruptly, causing Midorima to jerk his head up and stare at you momentarily and then lower his gaze again. He could see how beautiful and ravishing you were and hell, he wanted to take you there and then and yet the relationship between the two of you were just the simple one of master and butler. That's what he was. A servant. Furthermore, he was sure that if he did that, he would push you away further from him and cause you emotional trauma. That was the consequence that he was not willing to bear for a moment of brashness.

You slam your hand into the table an then turn around, grabbing Midorima by the collar of his cotton shirt and tiptoe, forcefully pressing your lips against his. Midorima's eyes widened in surprise but he soon responded, prying open your mouth with his forceful control and dominating over you.

Your cheeks go completely red and hit Midorima's chest, pleading for him to release you so that you could at least take a breath.

Midorima smirks while his eye twitches in annoyance as he watches you heave to take in air.

"You meanie! I love you!" You laugh while hitting Midorima. Midorima turns his head around while a small blush gives away his current feelings.

" No, I-" Midorima stammers but you break him off as you pounce into his chest and hurriedly unbutton his shirt, and with a final resolution, tears all of the goddamn buttons off. Midorima smiles and then carries you off in a bridal style to your room.

| Authoress-sama shall not continue from then on because I have no experience in - and feels awkward writing it in the bus. |

"I will always love your daughter. Please let me marry her!" Midorima bows a hundred and seventy degrees in front of your father and you tug on your father's hand.

"Papa!" You plead and your father turns to look at you, a gleeful smile on his face. He nods and you immediately flutter to the side of Midorima and enter his warm and secure embrace. He kisses your forehead gently and carefully puts on the three carat diamond necklace around your neck, a sign of his love to you. The gold entwined with silver ring that was embellished with tiny rubies was fitted snugly on your ring finger, a similar one on Midorima's.

This love was like the earth, everlasting for all eternity until the end of all destruction.


Yas. Forgive me for not writing the sensual parts. Yas. 

I don't.

I'm sorry bruhs.

Please understand... 

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