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Hello anyone who reads this book. I want to get to know whoever is in my comments section and I do encourage you to comment and have conversations. My only request is that we are all friendly. Voice your opinions but don't force them on others and enjoy yourselves. I'll start off this book with a few questions the comment section can answer about themselves and I'll answer these questions as well.

1. What's your favorite song to listen to while you write/do schoolwork?

My answer: At the moment, I like Sweet but Psycho by Ava Max. Makes me think of Grell, wonder why?

2. What's your favorite snack?

My answer: The goldfish sitting beside me on my writing couch.

3. What is your favorite hobby (sports, music, art, etc.)?

My answer: My favorite hobby is a three-way tie between art, music, and writing.

5. What is your favorite thing to wear?

My answer: My baggy sweatshirt and capris gym sweatpants. I'm wearing them right now.

4. What is your favorite anime (or tv show if you prefer)?

My answer: I have a hard time choosing a favorite. I more have a collection of favorites that I add to. A few in my collection are My Hero Academia, Kamisama Kiss, and Black Butler.

6. What is your favorite anime character?

My answer: Just as I answered the favorite anime question, I have a favorite character for each anime instead of a favorite overall character. In MHA, my favorite character is Kaminari, Kamisama Kiss is Mizuki, and Black Butler is Undertaker.

7. What creature do you think is the most terrifying, in real life or in anime, or both?

My answer: In real life, the most terrifying creature is water moccasins. The mycotoxin in the snake bite makes your skin sink in. Scary and painful. In anime, maybe he isn't terrifying, but Ryuk from Death Note is extremely creepy looking.

8. What is your favorite anime quote?

My answer: "You've got to learn to stop receiving with your face," Tobio Kageyama from Haikyuu.

9. What is the most ridiculous example of anime logic you've ever seen?

My answer: Gravity and wind don't affect a high school girl unless there are guys around. On the windiest days, a girl's skirt won't lift up until a guy, usually the protagonist, is around, and then when her underwear shows, he gets called a pervert. Also, (yes I'm adding another answer) yanderes. I love you, so I'll kill off everyone you've ever loved so that you automatically love me too, and if you don't love me to, I'll kill you so that no one else can ever love you or have your love. I'm sorry, I thought you loved me...

10: What is your favorite anime moment? It could be an epic fight scene, a sweet romantic scene, or the best comeback you've ever heard.

My answer: This is an evil question because can you really choose. If you can, I think you're lucky. I have at least three favorite scenes per anime. Maybe more if there is more than two seasons in an anime. I'll give a few examples. I'll make it two for each anime I list (maybe).

Kamisama Kiss:

Anytime when Mizuki is trying to play the flute during the episode(s) in which Nanami is trying to learn the kagura dance.

Anytime with Tomoe and Kurama going head to head.

Demon Slayer:

Sad but funny, Giyuu being bullied by Shinobu or the advertising staff.

Zenitsu being a funny and cringey burden on Tanjiro and Nezuko and the Butterfly household.


Tsukishima dealing with anyone on any of the volleyball teams.

Kageyama and Hinata being frenemies.

My Hero Academia:

Eat this!

That scene, I don't know why, always gets me.

Anyway...The next is just Bakugou being an angry housewife.

Finally, this one was probably to be expected.

Thanks for coming here and, to get back on topic, please enjoy my Black Butler fanfiction! Also, I have an original piece I wrote that was inspired by Black Butler. Check it out and maybe play it in the background if you like. 


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