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Suddenly, Ned and MJ walked onto the rooftop, hugging Peter tightly. "I'm sorry," MJ whispered.

"Peter, there's... there's some people here."

Ned looked up at you who just stood there, protectively at Peter's side as everyone stood up. "I thought you were a villain-"

You ignored Ned, and froze when you saw the two silhouettes standing on the school's tower. Peter stood in front of you, unsure what to think of the two unknown figures. You knew who they were as soon as they swung down closer to you, Peter, Ned, and MJ.

One of them was unfamiliar, but you were in shock when you saw Peter. Not the Peter next to you, but the Peter from your universe. He was in his Spider-Man suit, and he looked slightly older. He was the same killer from before. It took everything to not lunge at him and burn him with your hands.

"Hey, wait, wait- whoa!" This-universe-Peter spoke, cuts on his face.

"Sorry... about May," the unknown man replied.

You quickly realized that he was another version of Spider-Man from a different universe.

"Yeah, sorry. I've got some understanding of what it--" Your Peter started.

You scoffed, and he looked at you with a look of shock. "Why is she here-" he started.

"No, no, no... please don't tell me that you know what I'm going through."

"Okay," Your Peter nodded.

"She's gone. And it's all my fault. She died for nothing. So I'm gonna do what I should have done in the first place," he sniffled, reaching for the box in MJ's hand.

"Peter-" the oldest Peter started.

"Please, don't! You don't belong here, either of you. So I'm sending you home. Those other guys are from your worlds, right?"

The other Peters nodded.

"So you deal with it. And if they die, if you kill them... that's on you. It's not my problem. I don't care anymore. I'm done. I'm really sorry that I dragged you into this. But you have to go home now. Good luck."

You froze at Peter's words. "So, you don't care if I die now?"

Peter tried to reach for the box again, but MJ held it away from him. He then turned to you. "Y/N,  it's not like that."

You lifted yourself off the ground, away from Peter. You landed in front of your Peter, the one from your universe. "I'll be back to get you later," You threatened.

As you tried to go away, you felt a web grab you. This-universe Peter had webbed you, pulling you back to the ground. You were surprisingly close to him, and both of your breathing was heavy. "Don't go. I need you."

"Wow-" Your Peter started.

At this point, you just assigned them all numbers in your head. Because this was getting confusing. The Peter from this universe would be Peter 1, your Peter would be Peter 3, and the Peter you had just met would be Peter 2.

Peter 1 pulled the webs off you, and you sighed, staying by his side.

"My uncle Ben was killed. It was my fault," Peter 2 sighed.

"I lost... I lost Gwen. My, um... she was my MJ. I couldn't save her. I'm never gonna be able to forgive myself for that. But I carried on, tried to, um... try to keep going, try to keep being the uh... that 'Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man,' 'cause I knew that's what she would have wanted. But at some point, I just-- I stopped pulling my punches. I got rageful. I got bitter. I just don't want you to end up like... like me," Peter 3 explained, tears in his eyes.

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