44th Chapter

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My phone rang breaking the tremendous silence that was hanging on the air between us. In that moment, my heart started beating faster, indicating my constant fear, the fear that I always feel when I see Colton's name in my phone.

I trembled, I hated to hear his cold voice by knowing his incredible capabilities and yet terrible ways to get what he always wants, but I have to press the green button in any case because if I do not answer, I know what's left for me, and it always has its consequences.

"Hello?" I said, trying to sound extremely happy for his call. I was still in Harry's room, but I decided to leave because first, it was not the best place to talk on the phone with Colton and second, due to him looking at me with the saddest face I've ever seen, and it hurt seeing him looking at me like that.

"Hey baby!" He cheerfully saluted, his happiness could be perceived by his tone, even if I didn't care about it, what was a little selfish.

"Why are you calling?"

"Why are you asking that?" He answers my question with another question, he must think I don't want him to call me, which, in fact, is the truth, and it's the answer that I should respond.

"Oh, nevermind."

"Mhm, okay...Can you please go to the outside of your house? I have a surprise for you, baby."

"A surprise?"

I started thinking on innumerous and little things he could have done, maybe he missed his plane to the USA and it's standing at my front door right now, or maybe he never even went to the airport and he just stayed here, spying on me, perhaps I'm just making a big deal out of nothing.

I headed to the front door, grabbed the doorknob and finally opened the door. I felt ridiculous when I saw a box right in front of me. I feared for life for this, for a simple little box, before grabbing the box I heard two male voices whispering, someone was here. I knew it, and I am, of course, frightened. I didn't even notice someone grabbing me by my waist as another someone covered my mouth.

I felt weak for not being capable of fighting against them, but they were strong men full of muscles, they had the appearance and posture of men who practiced wrestling or any sport like that. They grabbed me, and kept whispering things to each other but I couldn't realize what they were saying, it was another language because it was not English for sure. It seemed like they were Spanish, oh how I regret taking French classes instead of Spanish ones.

"Tenemos que llevarla a la casa del jefe." One of them said, at least that's what I understood from their conversation. The only word I knew the meaning of was casa, it meant house in English and I only knew that because people are always  saying mi casa, se tu casa.

Where are they taking me? It is probably a house, but whose house? Colton's?

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