another love

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 "I'm sorry Y/N, I was so mean." Lizzie says.

I go to hug her tighter once I see the state she's in. I walk her inside and sit her on the bed. I stand in front of her, in between her legs and I hug her close. I've never seen Lizzie like this before.

"It's okay Lizzie." I give in.

"No it's not Y/N, I should've never ditched you like that. Me and y-you, I c-can't explain it but we have such a strong connection, I know it sounds corny but I don't know how else to word it." Lizzie explains trying to catch her breath. 

"I know what you mean." I respond in a low voice, almost a whisper. 

"When Boyd told me to stay away from you, I agreed, I think part of me was scared of how much I cared for you, so I pushed you away. I'm so stupid I should have nev-." 

"Hey, don't say that, you're anything but stupid. Don't talk about my friend that way." I say as I pull away from our hug. I curl my finger under her chin and put my thumb on the front of her chin. I tilt her chin so she looks me in the eye. 

"Friend?" she says as she gives me a disappointed look. 

"Y-Yeah, I mean, If that's what you want." I say as I furrow my eyebrows.

"No yeah, it just I thought," she pauses. 

"You thought what?" I question her genuinely confused.

"Doesn't matter, all I want to say is that I'm sorry for being an ass. You didn't deserve that. I want you in my life. Please don't push me away again." Lizzie says.

"I only pushed you away because that's what I thought you wanted. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." I say as I wipe some of the tears that slipped her eyes.

"I know I did, I'm sorry that was dumb, and Y/N you could never make me uncomfortable. If anything you bring me comfort. Y/N please forgive me." she says as she pulls me in again for a hug, I can't help but feel comfort. I breath in her scent, sweet as vanilla. 

"I forgive you." I say sincerely as I hold her.

"Can you please just hold me? I missed you so much." Lizzie says as she snuggles her face into my neck.

"Of course baby, let's get into bed." I motion her to lay down. I get her some clothes she can sleep in. I go get her some water while she changes. I give her the water and she instantly drinks it all. Just as I go to lay down next to her she snuggles closer to me. Almost as if she's afraid I would let go. 

"You smell good, and you didn't say it back." Lizzie mumbles while her face is buried into my neck.

"I missed you Lizzie, so much." I say as I give her temple a kiss. She hums in comfort.

Before I know it Lizzie falls asleep. I smile when I hear little snores. I hold her close and rub her back. Not being able to get enough of her. I hold her until I drift off into sleep. 

As I begin to stir awake, I smile. I look over to Lizzie, I notice she's in the exact same spot as the night before. She held on to me all through the night. I begin to rub her back and she begins to wake.

"Good morning beautiful." I whisper as I kiss her head.

"No please, not yet, hold me for a little longer." she says in a raspy voice.

"Anything for you." 

Once I notice she's not getting up anytime soon, I decide to get us breakfast. As usual I decide on bagels and coffee. As I make my way out of bed I feel her grip tighter.

"Where you going?" she asks as she tries to keep her eyes open.

"I will be right back, I'm just getting us something to eat." I say as I get her to lay back down.

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