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Y/n/f: y/n wake up,
How much longer will you sleep? Wake Up or you will be late...

Y/n: dad 5 minutes more... *she said in her sleepy voice *

Y/n/f: get up!! You sleepyhead!! Do you want to be late on the first day of office?

Y/n: what office?? *She get up quickly and sat on bed* but I don't want to go, I want to sleep *she again lay down with the sheet on *

Y/n/f: This little brat! Wake uuuup!!
Do you want to get fired on your first day?!!

Y/n: dad, you go, I don't want to meet that cold, arrogant busturd, I know he will take revenge for roast him...

Y/n/f: how can I go to your office. You got job not me.... And Who are you talking about?

........ [No answer]

Y/n/f: this girl again fell asleep.... Uff!
*He grabbed the sheet and pulled it*

Y/n: ahh! dad let me sleep for 5 minutes more... Give me the sheet...

Y/n/f: No more sleeping get up! Get up! * he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bathroom then he took out paste and handed it to her with a brush*.

Y/n/f: Now Brush your teeth, take a quick bath and come out. I'm making breakfast, And yes, Don't fall asleep again while Standing , come first....
*He went downstairs*

Y/n: hmm *she just hummed while closed her eyes and started to brushed her teeth*

Time skip:

Y/n complete her business then get ready and went downstairs. After done with her breakfast She left for the office

At office:

Y/n was walking lazily but became normal, when Someone was passing by her

Jisoo: hey y/n

Y/n: oh Jisoo mam, good morning mam

Jisoo: good morning, and welcome to
Jeon ENT.

Y/n: thank you mam

Jisoo: let's go, Let me show you your desk

Y/n: yes mam

Jisoo: so this is your deal. And best of luck of your first day

Y/n: thank you mam


Y/n Was started to introducing herself to all the employees, some were interested in it and some were not.
After introduction, every one was started to work but y/n didn't have any so she was sitting on her chair and checking at a file on her desk

After some time Jeon ENT CEO Jeon jungkook came, everyone was Bowed towards him and saying good morning except y/n. She was so into her work that she didn't notice him

Jungkook notice y/n and he went towards her desk but still she didn't notice him, so he was tapping on her desk and finally she noticed him he was standing beside her with a poker face and his hands were in his pants pocket

Y/n: oh go... good morning good morning sir

Jungkook: come to my cabin *he said and went away*

Y/n pov:

I saw everyone was looking at me. Omg The day hasn't started yet. I made a mistake at first, I know he was calling me for fired me

Y/n: sir may I come in?

Jungkook: come in

Y/n open the door and came to the cabin

Jungkook: so miss Bae Y/n. Welcome to Jeon ENT *smilE*

Y/n pov:

the fuck he smile and I thought he will fired me

Y/n: thank you sir, *what happened to him Has he changed since he saw me
Or Everyone was spreading fake rumours about him? [mumbling]*.

Jungkook: did you said something?

Y/n: ahh no no nothing

Jungkook: ok So let's start the day with a coffee

Y/n: ahh sorry sir, I've already had breakfast... And now I am not in the mood to drink coffee

Jungkook: When I said its for you, I said it for myself

Y/n: sorry sir?

Jungkook: I mean, go, get me some coffee


Jungkook: I don't like being late...

Y/n: yeah yeah I'll bring it now


Y/n: sir your coffee *she handed him, he take the cup from her hand and

Jungkook: I like black coffee, go make it again

Y/n pov:

What the fuck Couldn't he tell me in advance...

without saying anything she again make coffee for him

Y/n: sir your coffee

He again take the cup from her and take a sip.....
With one sip, he spat

Jungkook: didn't anyone say you that I don't like coffee with sugar

Y/n: Who will tell me?, I didn't ask anyone. You should have told me earlier,

Jungkook: leave it go make one more
Black coffee and with out sugar

Y/n: ok!!


Y/n: what the fuck, did I come here for make coffee for him? Am I his PA?

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Y/n: what the fuck, did I come here for make coffee for him? Am I his PA?..... Or I got this job?.... Leave it y/n it's your first day and he is your boss so do as he says...

Y/n: sir, your coffee *she placed the cup on his desk*

He take it and Took a sip then said

Jungkook: hm ok

Y/n: thank you

Jungkook: now take those file and complete before 5 pm

Y/n: what!!

Jungkook: low your voice

Y/n: sir sir sir are you joking? There are so many...

Jungkook: yes I'm joking take two more

Y/n: what?! How can I complete this before 5 pm? There are like 7 files.
I will do the work of all the employee here alone?

Jungkook: Today is your first day, so You have to finish all this work to prove yourself worthy here.

Y/n: but sir...

Jungkook: no buts. Go finish all the works. And if you can't. Then get ready to be fired.

Y/n: no no I can do all work, I will complete all the work before 5 pm

Jungkook: ok let's see. Go Get started

~To be continued

MY BOSS~ ||Jeon Jungkook FF||Where stories live. Discover now