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Y/n pov:

Ahh I want to sleep, 😩🥱

Y/n, how will you finish all the work before 5pm. it's already 1 pm and Only 2 files are finished, How do you finish all the work before 5 o'clock?
....... this fucking Jeon jungkook I will not leave you, You gave me so much work on purpose, Today is your day, My day will come too, I will see you that day. You don't know this Bae y/n... *smirk*

??: Hey y/n, let's grabb something to eat

Y/n: no Tina, you go I have to finish this first...

[She is one of the employee here]

Tina: so what? After eating, you will work again

Y/n: no, i don't have time to go..

Tina: then, I'll bring you something?

Y/n: no it's ok, I will not eat anything now,

Tina: then coffee?

Y/n: umm ok then

Tina: Ok you continue, i'm bringing

Y/n: hm

Y/n: [Aside] I don't even have time to eat. Oaw, my poor belly *pout*..... I will never gonna lose against you, This y/n can do everything, I will finish all the work.


Time skip at 5:14 pm

Y/n: sir, I'm done

Jungkook: you are 14 minutes 22 second late...

Y/n: ahh....yes, You have given a lot of work *pout*

Jungkook: All done?

Y/n: yes sir

Jungkook: let me check

Jungkook pov:

My eyes are pop out after seeing, All the work is done properly, yeah I hired her because I'm empress by her CR and I gave her so much work on purpose but I didn't expect her to complete it...

Y/n: what? getting impressed by me? Haa, told you, I will finish all the work *flips her hair*

Jungkook: hm ok

Y/n: hmm just ok? Nothing more?

Jungkook: what more?

Y/n: I worked so hard with my blood, sweat, and tears and sir you just said okay...

Jungkook: So do you want to be given an Oscar?

Y/n: I di.....

Jungkook: You were hired to work here, and you did it, what's so great about that?

[Y/n: this arrogant brat *aside*]

Y/n: leave it, Sir, can I go now?

Jungkook: hm

Y/n went away from there....


Time skip 😅

Next day:

Y/n pov:

Uff! finally! I'm in office

??: miss y/n....

Y/n turn around after hear someone call her,

Y/n: oh good morning sir *bowed*

Jungkook: you are 2 minutes late...

Y/n: sir actually me and my dad....

Jungkook: I didn't ask you why you were late. I'm telling you, you're 2 minutes late, this is your last warning, if you're late from the next day, then be ready to be fired.

Y/n: but sir....

Jungkook: no buts, Get to work.. *Left*

Y/n: what the fuck, fired... just for 2 minutes late... Hey khushi, Does your sir do this to everyone or just me?

[Khushi is also an employee of this company]

Khushi: Sir is very strict at work but never fired anyone for 2 minutes late

Y/n: I knew it, He's taking revenge, But he doesn't know me, once I get into this company no one can take me out

Khushi: y/n? What are you muttering?

Y/n: ah no no,

Khushi: btw, why you are late?

Y/n: actually, Dad and I were watching a movie last night, and it was getting late for bed,... Dad was calling me for a long time but I couldn't get up

Khushi: wow! You and your father are very close,

Y/n: yes, after my mother death, my dad is everything...

They talk sometime then started working

~To be continued

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