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At Jungkook's house;

Jungkook pov:

What did you have done.... What will she think about you now? I should have control myself that time. I don't know what happened to me that time and I just..... I.... Kis....kiss her

Flash back;

Y/n was vomiting on the side of the road. Jungkook goes to her and holds her hair in his hands which is coming towards her face and rubs her back

Jungkook: Why drink when you can't stand it?! Idiot!

Y/n: yah! You always yell at me. Couldn't you talk to a cute baby properly?

Jungkook: baby? She has grown so much still she even calls herself a baby

Y/n: What did you say?

Jungkook: your ears are ringing

Y/n: Talking to you is useless

Jungkook: Who asked you to talk to me?

Y/n: hasss.. I am so sleepy.

Jungkook: Hmm go home and sleep, now let's go

Y/n open her arms and look towards jungkook with a idiot smile

Jungkook: What?

Y/n: what? Did you forget? My legs got injury. Carry me

Jungkook: *sigh*


jungkook: Wear the seat belt.

Y/n: Ahh oh seat belt seat belt

Jungkook: Ugh! Can't even Lock the seat belt....

He got up from his seat and went towards her and take her seat belt to lock it... But here he lose his control by seeing her this close.... She also look at him back with her half sleepy eyes

Jungkook pov:

She's looking so beautiful, actually she's always beautiful but today I don't know she's looking more beautiful. My eyes went to her pinkish lips and I don't know what got into me I started to lean towards her lips and finally my lips attached to her
----- and that time I realised I kissed my employee...y/n. I immediately broke the kiss and saw that she was already asleep.

He locked her seatbelt and sit in his driver sit.he shook his head and looked straight at the road. Y/n was mumbling something in her sleep But he didn't turn his head towards her and started to focus on his drive.

Flashback end;

Still jungkook pov:

Omg! What happened to me yesterday night.... How can I kiss y/n, I don't even like that idiot, maybe just because of drunk it's happened. But how can I face y/n? Shit!

Mrs Jeon: What happened to you? Are you thinking about y/n?

Jungkook: hm yes... Um no no....

Mrs Jeon: what yes, no? I'm your mom I know everything...

Jungkook: mom... I'm not

Mrs Jeon: hmm, then, what's the matter? *she asked as she placed the coffee cup on the table*


Mrs Jeon: what happened tell me? Why are you so nervous? Ok ok You don't have to tell me....*about to leave then again said*

Mrs Jeon: y/n is a very good girl, she can make you happy. *With that she left*

Time skip at office;

Y/n pov:

I don't remember what happened to me after drinking yesterday. Hope I didn't messed up anything. Dad said sir left me at home. I have to thank sir.

Jungkook was passing her and seeing him y/n said good morning but he left without saying anything

Y/n pov:

what happened? Didn't he hear? I said it enough loud. Did sir ignore me? but why? I am not late today... Then?....Ah.....Did I done something wrong yesterday? *Panicking* What i'm thinking,I must have done something.....

Let's ask someone

Y/n: Um Tina.... Tina Did I done anything yesterday?

Tina: umm what do you mean...

Y/n: sir.. me ufs I.. I mean after drinking, Did I done something? I don't remember anything after getting drunk.

Tina: no... You didn't done anything but....

Y/n: but?

Tina: Julie was handing you another glass and Sir saw it and warned you for not drink. But you stopped Sir by saying Sushhhhhh in front of everyone

Y/n: thats it?

Tina: yes, Then you left alone because your father called, and sir also left behind you again and then he didn't came back, So we all went home.

Leave it

Y/n: But sir will not get angry for this small reason. Umm, Now I have to talk to sir.

Time skip:

Y/n pov:

I have been trying since morning to talk to sir but sir...... I'm busy now, talk to you later, ignoring me.... Avoiding with some excuse. But I will talk to Sir for sure

Y/n nock the door and enter in the cabin and started to ask

Y/n: Sir? Sir did I done something wrong yesterday?

Jungkook: why?

Y/n: I don't remember anything since drinking yesterday, so I asked if I had done anything

Jungkook: What? Umm didnot you remember anything?

Y/n: Umm I don't know....did i?.....

Jungkook: You don't remember anything?.... Nothing?

Y/n: no.

Jungkook pov:

She doesn't remember anything.... Ugh thank god. You save me today.

Jungkook: umm nothing, you did nothing.

Y/n: are you sure?

Jungkook: hmm, go get back on your work

Y/n: ok

Y/n pov:

Sir who knows what happens sometimes, he has been using it since morning as if I have done something wrong. *Roll her eyes*

~To be continued

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