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Tina: wow y/n, You persuaded sir, I knew Sir would not disobey you....

Y/n: yaaah! Don't say like that. I also did not think that Sir would really accept * whisper her back*

Julie: y/n, take it *She gave her a glass*

Y/n: umm no I don't drink.

Julie: Drink it, nothing will happen,

Y/n: no, my dad doesn't like it...

Julie: y/n, you are adult now, Besides, if you drank one day, your dad will not say anything... Drink na...

Y/n: no I dont like...

Julie: no no hold it.. just one day

Jungkook: Why are you forcing her when she doesn't wants to drink?

Julie: Sir, everyone is drinking. If she drink one day, nothing will happen

Jungkook: but she....

Y/n took the glass from her hand and drink it

Y/n: it's ok, I drink it... Yakkk! What a bad Taste...

Everyone started to eat and here y/n didn't eat anything. She is just picking vegetables one by one from Chaumin
And placed it side. She's drunk already

Julie: Here you take another glass.... *He snatch the glass*

Jungkook: nope no more

Y/n: noooo give me that...*she drink it in one go*

Jungkook: miss y/n...

Y/n: suuuu! *She tells him to shut up with her fingers in her mouth*

Everyone so shocked to see y/n's this behaiver towards sir... But didn't said anything cause it was effect of drink

Jungkook went to pay the bills and came back after some time but y/n was nowhere

Jungkook: Where is Mrs y/n?

Khushi: Sir, She left

Jungkook: what!!?

Julie: jungkook....

Jungkook ran out of the restaurant to find y/n, but she's nowhere

He ran a little towards road and finally saw y/n, but she's talking to two boys,

Y/n: Ka..karenge daruuuu partyyyy~

She was walking home. And on the way he saw 2 boys on the street and went to them

Y/n: heyyy you, do you have alcohol??

1 boy: oh Vai look she's so hot

2 boy: you are right and It looks like, she's completely drunk

1 boy: no, baby girl, I don't have any alcohol

Y/n: but I want it... *Pout*

2 boy: But I have something else to give you

Y/n: what is it? What is it?

Boy 1: pleasure...

Y/n: what do you mean??

They were about to touch her, but they stopped at the sound of someone voice

Man 1: nothing.

Y/n: heyyyyyy Where are you going You told me to give pleasure ..... hey!

Jungkook: what rubbish are you talking

Y/n: heyyyyyy

Jungkook: y/n, Why did you go out alone at night? You know it's dangerous..... and You won't talk to any other boy.

Y/n: why?????

Jungkook: Because I said

Y/n: Who are you to command me, I will talk to whomever I want.

Jungkook: y/n don't make me angry.

Y/n: Can you just be angry I can't?

Jungkook: look, you are drunk. Shut up, or I'll throw you down from here.

Y/n: what? Will you throw me down? *She started to crying in dramatic way* yahhh I will die then. Who will you quarrel with then?

Jungkook: ugh! This drunk girl. Y/n let's go home, I will drop you off at home.

Y/n: No i won't go with you. you will push me on the road and I'll fall down.

Jungkook: y/n, dont make me angry, your father Was waiting for you. Let's go...

Y/n: no no no no... I will not go with you. I will not go. I will not go.

Jungkook: ok ok fine... fine. I won't push you, I was just kidding

Y/n: Really? you are telling the truth right? You won't push me?

Jungkook: nope

Y/n: okkkkk *smile*

Jungkook: Why did you drink? when you did not....

Y/n: Who drank? Did you have a drink? Boo boo I don't like those who drink...

Jungkook: what the fuck.... Let's go

Y/n: ahh my leg are hurting

Jungkook: why? What happened on your leg?

Y/n: I wear heels and that's why my leg are hurting.

Jungkook: Then why are you wearing heels?

Y/n: I have to show that bitch Julie that I can also wear heels like her

Jungkook: ugh! This girl...

Y/n: I can't walk, my legs hurt, you pick me up

Jungkook: I can't lift you... Walk by yourself

Y/n: nooooo plz plz plz *pout*

Jungkook: ugh! This drunk girl

He pick her in bridal style, Y/n hugged his neck and rest her head on his shoulder. Jungkook started to walk...

Y/n brought her nose to his neck and sniffed, her lips even touch his skin. Her sudden move make him stop

Jungkook: what are you doing?

Y/n: ahh you smell so good... *Sniffing*

Jungkook: stop it or I'll put you down

Y/n: nope, you smell sooooo gooood...
Which perfume did you used?

Jungkook: stop it!!!! Remove your face from my neck *she did as he said*

He started walk again. But y/n started to admire his face...

Y/n: sirrr? *He just hmm* why are you so handsome?

Jungkook: I don't know...

Y/n: whhhy??

Jungkook: Keep quiet, or I'll surely throw you...

Y/n: ok ok ok

Jungkook: Put your finger in your lips *she did* now keep quiet.

A few seconds later;

Y/n: sirrrrrrrrr!!!!

Jungkook: ugh!!!! What now!!!

Y/n: I will vomit

Jungkook: what! *He Immediately left her and she fell on the road*

Y/n: ahhh! Why did you leave me? *she said rubbing her hand behind her ass*

Jungkook: You... You can't be trusted, you will vomit on me so I'm already.....

Y/n: ahh,

Jungkook: ummm so.... sorry ..... You won't vomit?

Y/n: a.. yeahhh *she went to the side of the road and started vomiting*

~To be continued

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