part 20

170 13 2

Y/n: Why did you stop sir!?? Let's go
*Jungkook stop walking after saw the hotel, then entered*

Jungkook: Ahh hm let's go

He went towards the receptionist and ask for rooms

Jungkook: Excuse me, can we have two rooms?

Receptionist: Sorry sir we only have one room here. If you two can share then....

Y/n: noo!! We can't stay in the same room together

Receptionist: sorry madam, but there is no other room available...

Y/n: but how can we sh.....

Jungkook: If you have problem then you can leave....

Y/n: You are letting a cute girl like me out alone *look at him with innocent face*

Jungkook: Cute my foot *roll his eyes*
Look, don't scene creat here, we got a hotel with a lot of trouble, there is only one room here, you and me both have to share. Just a few hours, tomorrow morning something will be arranged please y/n try to understand

Y/n: Umm ok ok... Sir

Y/n hesitate but she agreed finally. Receptionist boy handed her the key she took it and went towards their room

Receptionist boy: Sir is she your gf?

Jungkook: Yes, how is she? *smirk*

Receptionist boy: Very beautiful...

Jungkook: Hmm... Now don't look at her again *with that he leave*


Jungkook entered in the room where y/n was sitting on the bed

Y/n: What are you talking with that man?

Jungkook: You know what... You are a big fool

Y/n: maybe I am, but I know karate

Jungkook: What do you mean by you know karate?

Y/n: No, I'm just telling....

Jungkook: Ok ok I understand, You mean if I try to rape you, you will do it right?

Y/n: I mean yes, I may look like this, but I hurt so many people

Jungkook: oh my god! I'm so scared, *he said mockingly* Don't worry, I'm not gonna raping you

Y/n: You can't even do it

Jungkook: i don't want to

Y/n: You can't do it even if you want to

Jungkook: You are saying like, Do you want me to rape you?

Y/n: No, I am just making it clear that you do not get any wrong signal.

he folded his hands and bowed to her. And went towards sofa and lay down

Sometimes later;

Unforgiven yes, I was bleeding hi mop so nul jyo ya man het Don saum but I now now.... unforgiven I'm a villain..... Na rang jo no mo ga chi ga ja my "unforgiven girls"...

Y/n sang about 2-3 lines like that, Then finally jungkook react

Jungkook: Hey, why are you shouting!!? *She stop singing*

Y/n: Shouting? Me? Am I shouting?

Jungkook: Yes!

Y/n: Sorry sir I forgot, you feel disturbed when you listen to music

Jungkook: If you sing, you have to have a melody, you don't even have a voice

Y/n: You are saying like you have a lot of melody in your voice and how well you can sing hm?

Jungkook: Very well.....I can sing.

Y/n: Seriously? Then sing a song, let me hear you

Jungkook: No.

Y/n: I knew it, you will say no, cause you are lying

Jungkook: I don't lie... I Can't sing in this situation

Y/n: Sir, no matter what the situation is, if you sing, you feel good. You know, when you listen to music, you feel good. when I'm sad, I listen to music

Jungkook: ok ok madam now please stop

Y/n: sir why are you like this, you are so unromantic no one will like you. your girlfriend will be so unlucky
Sir..sir..sir do you have any girlfriend? *She asked curiously*

Jungkook: why should I tell you...

Y/n: hey tell me tell me

Jungkook: What about you? Do... Do you like someone??

*After jungkook asked her that question she became upsetting*

Y/n: I was in a relationship with someone but he died in an accident. it's been a 1 year now . Now I don't want any relationship....

Jungkook: why??

Y/n: How can i?.... I.. I love him *tear in her eyes*

Jungkook: What about thinking about the one who is gone? I know it's hard for you but...Infect you have live, you have to think about the future

Y/n: I know but.....

Jungkook: If someone proposes you, will you not accept?

Y/n: I don't know... maybe no.*she wipe her tears then said* leave it sir what about you? Do you like someone or are you in a relationship?

Jungkook: What do you think?

Y/n: Umm I don't think so..

Jungkook: I'm Not in a relationship....

Y/n: I knew it. No one will like a person like you.. Short temper *she was muttering*

Jungkook: What did you say??

Y/n: Ahh nothing...nothing.

Jungkook: i like someone...

Y/n: really? So sir did you propose her already?

Jungkook: No.. I don't thik she will accept

Y/n: But you haven't ask her yet... How did you know

Jungkook: What if she says no? *he asked her direct looking at her eyes*

Y/n: I don't think so... Who gonna reject you are Jeon jungkook, the CEO of Jeon ENt.....

Jungkook: Y/n I'm serious

Y/n: Sir, I'm also serious.... Sir please propose her first before someone else comes and takes your place... Think it sir

Hearing y/n's word, jungkook truly felt that she was right

Jungkook: Y/n?

Y/n: yes sir

Jungkook: I wanted to tell you something...

Y/n: Yes sir.. what's it?

Jungkook: Ummm..y/n ..I..y/n....I.......


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