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Jungkook: y/n...i...i...i I'm sleepy, I'll sleep
Move away *then he went to bed and lay down*

Y/n: Arrre how weird man *he didn't said anything*

Y/n: Ok you lie on the bed I'm lying on the sofa *jungkook didn't said anything cause he's just embarrassed by his job*

She took the bed sheet from the bed and lie down on the sofa, after some time she felt something moving on her back, moving from her back it moved to her chest and when she opened her eyes to see a cockroach.

She screamed and got up from the sofa. And her right leg got sprained

Y/n: aauchh!!

[Cockroach did his job and ran from there and entered a corner of the room😆]

Jungkook: y/n what happened? *he got out of bed and ran to her*

Jungkook: you are even falling off the sofa? Can't even do one job properly

Y/n: Did I fall on purpose, just because of that cockroach what can I do if my leg got sprained *jungkook laugh at her sillyness*

Y/n: Ahhh! *jungkook touch her right feet* No sir, don't touch my leg, it hurts so much, oh my god! ahhhhh!

Jungkook: Y/n listen, Your leg have to twist, if you twist it, the leg will be fixed. The pain will decrease

Y/n: You don't have to twist my leg, what if it break any bone? No need to do anything I will bear the pain.

Jungkook: Areee no no, If i twist the leg, the leg will be fixed, trust me....
Don't panic let me try

Y/n: No sir, leave it, a little while ago you were a mechanic and now you are a doctor again...i will  bear the pain *she said while bearing pain*

Jungkook: y/n trust mr

Y/n: No no no need to twist. Then you will shown all the anger in your heart on my feet, no no y/n don't take any risk *whispering*

Jungkook: what are you whispering?

Y/n: I am not whispering, who knows why I went to take the short cut, None of this would have happened if I didn't come here God, everything has to be with me *whispering*

Jungkook: Y/n, let me let you, there is no sound, no one here without you and me, I can hear your whispering

Y/n: So what can I do, I will , it's not your office so your rule will not work here, I can do whatever I want . If I feel like I will speak in a whisper, then I will speak in a whisper and if I feel like shouting, then I will shout..... Ahhhhhh!!! What are you doing?!!!! *He grabs her leg and turns it around.*

Jungkook: Look, now if your feet is alright or not?

She moved her leg and found that her leg really didn't hurt anymore

Y/n: My leg is fine, no longer hurts sir look look  * she said, jumping up and down*

Jungkook: Although I'm not a doctor, but I know these tricks. I'm not an idiot like you

Y/n: Did you call me an idiot,?look what you are

*Jungkook Stare at her and said*

Jungkook: now sleep, it's getting late

Y/n rolled her eyes, then she check the sofa very well and then lay down.


They woke up in the morning and walked back to their car

Y/n: Sir what should we do now?

Jungkook: Let's see if a cab can be booked, if not, let's see if anyone passes by the road but before that let me check the car again

He lifted the bonnet of the car to see, and then his hand started to hurt

Jungkook: ahhhhh!

Y/n: sir what happened

Jungkook: my hand is hurting...

Y/n: why? How did it happen?

Jungkook: I don't know, maybe because of my sleeping position...

Y/n: Sir, you have a pain in your hand, I will fix it immediately

Jungkook: You?

Y/n: Yes me, I know a trick that will fix your hand instantly.

Jungkook:  It's ok, I'm ok

*she was about to touch him*

Jungkook: y/n stay away from me ok...

Y/n: Sir, my aunt said that the pain in the hand is reduced if the ear on that side is pulled... Let me do it

She grabbed his ear and pulled hard for a long time, and he screamed

Jungkook: y/n what are you doing? *He shook her hand away from his ear*

Jungkook: You and your aunt keep this trick to yourselves, next time you won't apply it to me.

Y/n: sorry sir, but first see

Jungkook: What will I see?

Y/n: see if the pain in your hand has subsided see see... See na *Holding his hand and shaking it, she said*

He waved his hand for a moment to see if it really worked ... But he got surprised that it really work.

[A/n pov: I saw this in a movie/serial scene, is it really work ?😅 let me know]

He just nodded his head then open the car bonnet and started to find the problem again

Y/n: Sir you don't have hand pain anymore right... See... I knew it... Sir I told you that applying my tricks will reduce the pain. my aunt used to tell me that if you hold the ear on the side of the hand that hurts, the pain will disappear. And see you got the proof, your hand pain is gone... And you always....

Jungkook: would you please shut up, Let me check the car *he check then said*

Jungkook: Oh shit! I didn't notice it yesterday

Y/n: What happened?

Jungkook: A wire had moved, that's why it was not starting

Y/n: I knew it was your fault... No I mean your car. And last night you were blaming me

Jungkook didn't said anything, he just try to fix the problem

Y/n: He made a mistake. It's okay. Now if I did it, he would..... *she whispered*

Jungkook: Y/n, will you stop whispering

Y/n: I can't sir, this is not your office so.... *she said with smile*

Jungkook finally fix the car. then came back to the driver sit and start the engine to drive

Y/n: Sir I will also go with you

Jungkook:  if you will come with me then you have to sit quietly

Y/n: yes sir, alright, thank God, the car is fixed anyway, otherwise..... *jungkook glaring at her* nothing...Why are you standing, let's go, we have to reach home soon

Y/n got into the car and jungkook drove away



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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